Reporting to Strip Search V.2


RIP 1970~2018
Cakesock sed-

You did say "almost always". I misquoted you. I was wrong and I'm sorry.
Just showing you how it's done so it won't hurt so bad when you have to reciprocate.

You at least have one friend. You've got me, Mary! We made it official. You requested and I accepted.

There we go. Now what were you saying? I was busy searching for Kendall Jenner swimsuit pics.


along for the ride
Cakesock sed-

There we go. Now what were you saying? I was busy searching for Kendall Jenner swimsuit pics.

No, Mary. Bruce, not Kendall, is the daddy in that family. Androgynous name like hers, I understand your obvious mix-up.

IF I were lucky enough to have attachment privileges, I'd post you a nice pic of him in his swimsuit from the '76 Olympic games.


beer, I want beer
Like the astronauts said to Christa McAuliffe: "Try pushing some of those little buttons. See what they do."


along for the ride
Demanding the world cater to one's whims is the mark of an insecure person, not an insincere one. Because I recognize all these toys are mine does not mean I feel the need to hoard them or play with them incessantly. You'll still be there when I have use for you. This should also in no way make anyone feel of less self worth. My overarching sense of self-interest is the natural state of the human mind when uncluttered by social constructs.
Alright daddy. You proved your point. You're no more sincere than the rest.

As long as I'll still be there when you have use for me, I'm okay with it.

Can you make me a sandwhich now? Baby's kinda hungry.


RIP 1970~2018
Oops there go my manners again. I'm a construction worker. So what do you do for a living Cake?


along for the ride
So what was it you do for a living again Cake?

Why, I troll internet sites pretending to be a woman so I can inflitrate kindgoms and terrorize their members with wiseass remarks and circumlocutory posts, of course. If I did anything else, that would make your initial assessment of my job wrong, right? Are you saying that you were wrong?


along for the ride
You first. I'm not easily offended. You are sensitive. Your list will be longer and I can just jack some of your points. Leveraging is good.


along for the ride
It's impossible to offend me.

You mean aside from:

1. (allegations of) misquoting you
2. resisting when you request (demand) information that a person has no obligation to share with you

Reference: Thread 1, Reporting to Strip Search

I'll stop there. If I weren't so insecure, I'd see this as a challenge and we could see who could offend the other first. But, that wouldn't be fair to anyone who wandered aimlessly into this thread (oh right, that NEVER happens). It might get unpleasant. I might get spanked again for wiseassery and having fun with meaningless banter. I think daddy's had it up to here with that shit from me! I don't want to get in trouble.


RIP 1970~2018
You think having to correct your sloppy work offensive to me? This is going to be easier than I thought.


along for the ride
You think having to correct your sloppy work offensive to me? This is going to be easier than I thought.

It was the foot stomping and chest pounding that led me to believe that you were offended. I'm sorry if I inferred incorrectly. There are fine examples of both in our initial rendezvous thread, but why rehash the past? We have to move on - it's the only way.