Reports of Our Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated


Staff member
All the hackers, all the bullshit, corrupt databases, sleepless nights and a fuckton of tinkering later... TK should be functioning correctly again. (as well as it can)

There might be a few glitches still left in the matrix, but DB is looking ok. I fixed picturehoster as well. Uploads from after June 1st are lost unfortunately...but it's better than the whole lot being gone.

We're back baby.


Retired Account
That's real good news about recovering those pic, a few older threads of mine at other forums are returned, nice one..

Good to see you around bloke.


Forever Empress E
Mentalist IS a God.


I want to smell dark matter
I deeply and passionately appreciate all you do.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Jon Stewart would be proud. :)


King of Sarcasm
Thanks Menty! I shall anger a Yahoo noob in your honor.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
What did I miss??? :phpeh2:

Oh wait... first post pretty much covers it.


beer, I want beer
Every time I log in and find the place missing I think, yep, this was the day he finally did it. Pulled the plug. But no.


Staff member
I only have a minute to check in tonight. So many things to do right now. I love you all, and everyone better wait around for the 20th anniversary, because I have no intention of letting TK go anywhere but right where it is now and for the last 10 years. Live.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Un Banned

"TK has endured for 2000 years, and will continue to endure long after TBBS has crumbled into dust.

But we'll leave that to history."


I love you
Hey, was Mentalist talking about picture hoster only or was there some strange TK glitch where we died for a day or an hour?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
yeah, I'm getting the same thing.