Clueless: Okay, so, like, I was once owned by this senator, y'know, and, like, he was totally into bad stuff, and junk? And so, like, he had some gambling debts? Which is, like, totally so not cool? And he, like, had people sending out these totally righteous bounty hunters after him? Like, what a bummer, right? So then he, like, sent me to totally deal with them and I was all "Fer sure, boss. Whatever you say." So, like, there were two of them, and I was all "You meatbags are, like, totally boned"? And they were all, like, "We want the money, you stupid Droid!" Like, hel-lo, rude much? So, I was all, like, barf out cuz these guys were just totally grody, and I was all "Prepare to, like, die, flesh-puppies." And they were all, like, totally not buying it, and they were all "No way." And I was like, "Way." And they were all, like, "No way. We could take you." And I was like, "Like, I am so sure. Like, omigawd, I've got this, like, mega huge blaster rifle, and if you don't, like, leave right now, I'm gonna, like, totally blow your heads off." And they were, like, "Okay, we're outta here." So I was all, like, "That's super-super awesome. Thanks, guys, you rule." Like, can you imagine? I mean, the nerve of those guys, like, trying to put me out of a job. Like, it was grody to the max! Gag me with a spoon! Like, omigawd, I am so sure! So step off, bizzatch. I'll pimp slap you with this here titanium back hand into the middle of next week, kay? *shhhnap*