Retards Cripples and Brats redux


beer, I want beer
Eloisel said:
In case it isn't obvious, this is a rant. You may wish to leave now because what I have to say isn't politically correct or sweet.

First, I am sick of hearing how I am supposed to be careful how I treat others in the world, wherever in the world that may be.

I love going to the movies. In fact, that is probably my favorite thing to do. But, everytime I go to the movies these days, there are serious irritants at the theater. There are the teenagers that talk all through the movie to their pals or on their cell phones, kick the backs of chairs, put their feet up on the top of chairs, run up and down the aisle making lots of noise, throwing popcorn at perfect strangers, and other in general annoying behavior. Then there are the little bitty kids that talk all through the movie, fall out of their seats and scream, have to go the bathroom every 15-20 minutes, cry - loudly - because they are little kids or because the monsters on the screen scare them. When are these parents going to be careful of how they treat me and keep their GD brats from messing up my good time? When? I really want to fucking know.

Probably when hell is frozen over for a long time. But, hey, they want me to be "child friendly" to their little freaking monsters in internet chat rooms and on message boards. They also want me to pay higher school taxes so their brats can get a laptop computer from the school to "do homework on" and to play on the internet in chat rooms and on message boards. Not only do these jerks let their brats ruin my good time in real life, they want me to support their brats' internet usage to ruin my online life as well.

Got to be mindful of the cripples too. Give them the best parking spots. I've got to lug a buttload of books a mile from parking to classroom while they get to park right next to class. They also want my tax dollars to pay for their education. Then they want to tell me what I can and can not say on a GD message board. Same goes for retards. Support the retards and be careful what you say so as not to offend them. Keep them out of my space!!!!!!!!!!

I need some things in this world too. A place where I'm not cheated, stolen from, taken advantage of, denied access, censored, and muzzled for the benefit of the brats, cripples and retards.

No further comment necessary


beer, I want beer
But, everytime I go to the movies these days, there is a serious irritant at the theater.


Forever Empress E
LOL - January 5, 2006.
I was deep into menopause.

And, there were other things going on but. Oh well. I wrote it and meant it then and do still to some degree today.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ny Mom (whom I loved deeply) died at 59 from ankylosing spondylitis. It began when she was a WAC in WW2 as RA. Sh never lived a day without intense pain except for the entire time she was pregnant with me. You're a sick, ill, hateful person Eloisel. I hope you live in interesting times. Seriously, you've got to rethink this persona. You are absolutely despicable.


beer, I want beer
LOL - January 5, 2006.
I was deep into menopause.

And, there were other things going on but. Oh well. I wrote it and meant it then and do still to some degree today.

On behalf of the cripples, retards and brats of the world, I wish a long and debilitating descent into Alzheimer's related dementia for you. Might be the worst thing I've ever wished on anyone, but I feel you deserve it. You don't seem to have any value to humanity.


Forever Empress E
You're a sick, ill, hateful person Eloisel. I hope you live in interesting times. Seriously, you've got to rethink this persona. You are absolutely despicable.
That is hilarious coming from the likes of you. You need to worry about your own despicable persona.


RIP 1970~2018
The thing about menopause isn't so much that it makes you act like someone you aren't, rather it does away with your social filters. Filters that can be reacquired afterword. Like we see above.

The person doesn't change. The persons ability to soften their delivery in any given situation suffers. But can return.

To some degree.


Forever Empress E
On behalf of the cripples, retards and brats of the world, I wish a long and debilitating descent into Alzheimer's related dementia for you. Might be the worst thing I've ever wished on anyone, but I feel you deserve it. You don't seem to have any value to humanity.

Like you have some value to humanity? You who have been married once, almost married a second time, the father to at least one child you claim, and yet you've never been in love. You hound me for my honesty on how I feel about certain things. You, on the other hand, ridicule and practice your hypocrisy with abandon, encouraging your nasty friends to do likewise. You say you are some enlightened person but that is only the face you wear for a troll. Worry about your own worth because right now your aren't worth much except to trolls with your same affliction.


Forever Empress E
Better than having a permanent troll face. You're ugly inside and outside.

Ha - and that coming from you! Tell me one good, worthwhile, right thing about you.


beer, I want beer
Like you have some value to humanity? You who have been married once, almost married a second time, the father to at least one child you claim, and yet you've never been in love. You hound me for my honesty on how I feel about certain things. You, on the other hand, ridicule and practice your hypocrisy with abandon, encouraging your nasty friends to do likewise. You say you are some enlightened person but that is only the face you wear for a troll. Worry about your own worth because right now your aren't worth much except to trolls with your same affliction.

You mean, "people". Your "honesty" is a basic sense of disgust for everyone around you. You hate Mexicans, you hate the developmentally disabled, you hate children, you hate the infirm, and judging by the way you crave negative attention you hate yourself worst of all.
You know what all your rants and prejudices have in common? They involve people you perceive as weak or powerless, or who lack strict control. Children, the disabled, the crippled, the lower social classes; these people remind you of your own powerlessness and fear of the world, and for that you despise them.
You hide in movie theaters because movies are safe. You can watch them and pretend they are life, pretend you are living when all you're doing is waiting to die. Movies are uncomplicated, neatly wrapped and finished in the space of an evening, whereas real life is messy, random and full of sharp edges.
You don't know me, but I know you. I've seen you many times. You are the body who lies undiscovered for two years because no one thought to look for you. You are the crazy lady every kid in the neighborhood whispers is a witch, because any time you show your face you hiss and spit and cackle.

There is a blight in your neighborhood, but it isn't the encroaching Mexicans. It's the cranky old fat insane gringo bitch down the block.


beer, I want beer
Homo said:
which one are you?
At one time or another, all three. Sometimes in combination.


moral imperfection
Like you have some value to humanity? You who have been married once, almost married a second time, the father to at least one child you claim, and yet you've never been in love.
There is a difference between being honest about personal emotions and putting them out on the table so people in a friendly environment can gain insight and give their input - and basically stating that physically handicapped people are human ticks because the world should revolve around you, you you. I don't expect you to see it though.

You hound me for my honesty on how I feel about certain things. You, on the other hand, ridicule and practice your hypocrisy with abandon, encouraging your nasty friends to do likewise.
Oh, the poor victim Eloisel spiel again? Get real. They are not hounding you for your honesty or your feelings. They are trolling you because you went out of your way to spit jack in the face publicly, just because he had the audacity to laugh about some minor lighthearted teasing you (and only you) took as an insult. Again - there is a difference.

I say he's enlightened.
Yep, my sentiment exactly.


beer, I want beer
I've spent the better part of two decades being schooled every single day on the meaning of patience, tolerance, understanding, and stubborn perseverance by a bunch of "retards, cripples, and gimps." If I exhibit any sort of wisdom at all, it is due in large part to the role they played in my life. Every person I interact with from this point forward should be thankful for those relationships because I'm a better person for them.