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Review of Moderator's

You have no reason to oppose Robot joining the citizen's list if what you say is true. Why is Robot the only poster ever to not be allowing to become a citizen?

Because: 100101010101010100100101000101010101010100100101001001010010100100101010000000000000000101001010100101001010010100101010010100101001010010101010010100101001010010100101001010010100101001010010100
And your more like Ily's chewtoy.
[sweet, calm voice] Have you just called be a bitch? [/sweet, calm voice]

As stated upthread, the moderator's decision was not discussed in public.
Read: the question of declining Robot's citizenship has not been discussed with me at all.
I have not and will never decline Robot the Badlands' citizenship. This whole process of declining the citizenship reeks of elitism and goes against what the Badlands once stood for. Yes, we have a citizens list, it was a consequence of former events and cannot be changed easily; but actually selecting who gets to be on it on the grounds of posting styles and contents, IN THE BADLANDS, is just, well... disgusting.

And for the record:
Nobody has the right to speak for me without my public, unambiguous and explicit permission to do so.
Because: 100101010101010100100101000101010101010100100101001001010010100100101010000000000000000101001010100101001010010100101010010100101001010010101010010100101001010010100101001010010100101001010010100

Dual and I discussed Robot briefly last night. Yes, I rejected his inclusion to The Badlands Citizen's list. However, my objection was taken out of context. I don't agree with the concept of a Badlands Citizen's list. Ily and I feel that it is too exclusive, and not in keeping with our vision for an ideal Badlands or an ideal TK. So out of principle I cannot approve of adding more names to that list.

How can we get rid of this list?
Well for a start, since others have been added to the list since your objection to Robot, you can lift your objection to him. You can also support the idea that both you and Omar are illegal mods and that an emergency election needs to be held. Then you can promote and vote someone in of good character [i.e. someone who is not DLP], for instance, yourself. Then you and Ily both being legal mods can alter or abolish the Spamtitution and consequentially the citizen's list.

The only poster being effected by Robot's lack of citizenship is Robot, in a negative fashion. It doesn't help the Badlands at all.
No, I will use my newfound power to summarily vote in rejection of any and all Badlands Citizen candidates. Now only two moderator votes are needed.
It takes an objection first by three parties. Robot has been unfairly singled out by the DLP. Others can, will be and have been added, while Robot sit penalized because you hold on to an ideal that doesn't stop anybody but Robot from being on this list. Robot holds view similar to your own, i.e. the dissolution of the list, but in order for that change to occur he first needs to be on it. You view is akin to shooting yourself in the foot.
Metaphors aside, this doesn't help anyone and hurts only Robot. I cannot see a logical reason for this.
True story:

In the early 80's (circa 85), my dad rented some Disney tapes and recorded two Von Drake Wonderful World of Disney episodes. In 1997 I borrowed those deteriorating tapes and dubbed my own copies. In 2007 I got a DVD recorder and attempted to dub DVDs of my second- or third-generation copies of those episodes. But the DVD recorder refused, stating that the footage was copy-protected. WTF?

That is my husband's favorite ewok, although I can't remember his name. He's only in the tv movies, right?

I heart Beverly.

I also heart TK.
One less solider for the cause able to vote then, if you're not about to change your mind. A pity.