Troll Kingdom

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Ribs and Potato Salad


Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes
Cheeseburger and Fries
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Fried Chicken and Biscuits
Pancakes and Sausage
Pizza with extra cheese onions, green peppers, meatballs and sausage

ANYTHING but Chicken Noodle Soup, Oatmeal, and Toast

I need REAL FOOD!!!!!
Get half a chicken with garlic sauce and french fries at your local Chinese restaurant, Friday. Trust me.
Messenger said:
Get half a chicken with garlic sauce and french fries at your local Chinese restaurant, Friday. Trust me.
Oh, God, that sounds delish. However, if I ate that, I'd end up back in the hospital. But I want to eat. They won't let me eat.

I'm being tortured with Chicken Noodle Soup, Oatmeal, and Toast.

Maybe I'll have some leftover ribs. Just one. It couldn't hurt. I won't tell anyone. They won't know. Yeah, that's the ticket. Sneak down to the fridge very quiet like.

Messenger said:
What's wrong with your tummy? It's not exactly esoteric Chinese food, but they prepare it well.
I have a closed bile duct. Everything I eat, the bile that breaks up the fat has nowhere to go, so it backs up, giving me pancreatitis. I'm currently waiting to have this procedure done where they cut a hole in the duct. But that's not for a month or so. So I have to eat low to no fat foods to slow down the bile build up.

If I don't, I'm back in the hospital for the third time in three months.

But I want to eat!!!
Sigh. I spill my guts and nobody cares.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me
I think I'll eat some worms....

Which probably would be better tasting than fucking oatmeal and toast!!!
Yeah, fresh veggies with no butter. Nothing that makes life worth living.

That's it. Tomorrow I'm going to go get a burger and fries from Wendy's. How much can it hurt? I think my body is going thru fat deprivation or something.
I can't imagine.

Get exotic veggies, get celery, something easy to eat as though if it were comfort food, with sauces that don't have fat. Get some weed for yourself, too.
Thanks, Cap'n Wacky!

A boiled ham and american cheese wedge with lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, and oil and vinegar.

Ahh...hometown cookin'. :D

And, weirdly, now that I'm being deprived of food....I find myself thinking of sex A LOT.

Coincidence? I think not.