RIP James Gandolfini


stealth ninja
awful news



beer, I want beer
Now THAT's how the fucking Sopranos should ended. Face first in the linguini.


stealth ninja
Only 51. He should have slimmed down after the Sopranos ended

the irony is there was a scene in the show when his nephew Christopher said:

'the way you eat you'll be lucky if you don't have a heart attack by the time you're 50!'

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Jesus, that's so young. What a waste.

I see people crying how sad it is when a 94 year old person dies... bullshit. That's a long ass life. 51, that's tragic.


Let's fuck some shit up
I sincerely doubt that. They kinda liked him over there. Besides, his show only touched on the real cosa nostra one time, but in a very incorrect way.