RobL gets the ban hammer at EI

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
It's that stuff they put the chemicals in to make black men's dicks not work right.


GFHH Moderator
?? I was willing to pay cash for one.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


that board's still going?

as retaliation for RobL's banning I propose we permaban RommieSG from here, under the guidelines that we have no guidelines.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'd rather just take all his videogame trophies from him 1 by one. That irritates him endlessly, and is the best trololol for the little pedobear.


New Member
Decency?? Maybe you weren't around when LOP was making fun of me for not liking Mountain Dew Baja Blast. I mean that was a personal choice but he didn't care.

what do u know about decency Darthy boy??? nothing

again who cares about exile??? just darth cause its ur obsession. get help


beer, I want beer
Who the hell is ^THIS^ idiot now?