Romney is a fool and not fit to be President


beer, I want beer
It was interesting until the guy writing it slid into rhetoric and typical internet ranting. Not sure how citing dictionary definitions became such a common debate tactic but it's not really as effective as people think. a fact-based argument loses credibility when the writer throws terms in like "how does THAt make you FEEL!!!" and "cheesy, sleazy, corporations".

Overall, an argument that would have been much better served by delving into the number of equally egregious acts the congress has done in order to set the district and lawmakers apart, and above, the laws that govern the rest of the country.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You are older than me. When I retire, I'll be 60 with 16 years public service and 28 years in the private sector. Have my retirement investments too. I won't be rich but if I have my house, car, and credit cards paid off by the time I retire, I can live fairly well, travel a little bit, and enjoy doing the things I enjoy doing. I have several completed novels and several in work, all fiction, all with excellent interest from my editors/publishers, that I intend to publish beginning in 2016. Plus, I will continue working as a consultant on some things I do best with databases and publishing for some local government agencies. I plan on playing my violin for change in a hat at local ren fairs too. Between swimming, bike riding, writers' conferences and groups, my ladies groups, drum circles, and such I don't have much time for working as it is.

So, you'll do a couple years on your IRA (whatever) and then go for early SS? I did the math, the bullshit factor is high on trying to get people to NOT take early retirement, but it makes no sense. If you get 1200 a month early and 1600 full, you'd have to live to be 76 just to "break even" on what you were paid extra between 62 and 66. Fuck that bullshit. Plus the spouse gets half again. You can earn 22,500 in addition too before the 2 for 1 dollar thing starts up.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I tried snoping that and nothing came up but if it's true, the Romneys have a shocking disregard for animal care and ownership. That doesn't speak well for them.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
This election is turning into a referendum on stupidity.


Forever Empress E
So, you'll do a couple years on your IRA (whatever) and then go for early SS? I did the math, the bullshit factor is high on trying to get people to NOT take early retirement, but it makes no sense. If you get 1200 a month early and 1600 full, you'd have to live to be 76 just to "break even" on what you were paid extra between 62 and 66. Fuck that bullshit. Plus the spouse gets half again. You can earn 22,500 in addition too before the 2 for 1 dollar thing starts up.

My plans are to live on the gov't job pension for a couple of years, then take early SS at 62, then start on my 401k/IRA distributions about 65 when medicare kicks in too. I can always liquidate other assets and downsize if the economy requires it. That way I'll only have to work consulting, part time, temporary, whatever, if at all, a couple of years. I have no spouse with any entitlements to any of my investments, assets, or benefits. As you know, my daughter doesn't have a long life expectancy. Sad as that is to me, I'm also not saving for her inheritance. I'm so ready to retire. Really, I don't have time for a job.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
you've always been there for her. She's had quite an interesting and challenging life by your scribing. Hers too obviously but lately you've done all the talking :D


Forever Empress E
She's had it rough this year. Two major surgeries, on top of being a newlywed with two teenage stepdaughters. When her guts aren't trying to kill her, her pancreas is. But, I'm not supposed to talk about that. If she checks in and sees I've been talking about her, she'll give me a stern talking to.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
If R@R get elected in November, well, I bought a new freezer not long ago. The box is one of those laminated corrugated ones. Sturdy and water proof. At least I'll have a place to live.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I detest politics. I truly detest politics. Honestly, people; When the government's boot is on your neck, who cares if it's the left or the right one?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
When it starts affecting you personally. I'm a military veteran. The Ryan budget calls for a 23 percent reduction in veterans benefits. I'm also a public employee. State Republicans want me to take a 20% reduction in pay, 50% contribution to my retirement and pay 75% of my health care premiums and massive out of pocket increases in co-pays. If they get their wish, I'll need food stamps and welfare to get by. Which they also want to abolish. The Dems aren't great. But the Republicans are the epitome of greed and evil.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
When it starts affecting you personally. I'm a military veteran. The Ryan budget calls for a 23 percent reduction in veterans benefits. I'm also a public employee. State Republicans want me to take a 20% reduction in pay, 50% contribution to my retirement and pay 75% of my health care premiums and massive out of pocket increases in co-pays. If they get their wish, I'll need food stamps and welfare to get by. Which they also want to abolish. The Dems aren't great. But the Republicans are the epitome of greed and evil.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
We need to start taxing religious institutions, I read yesterday that the LDS church made 7 billion dollars last year from tithing. If we legalized pot and prostitution as well, that would go a long way...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I fucked an LDS chick when I was 14. Im pretty sure she was one of the 144,000


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That was clever. You'd probably vote for Romney. You seem unintelligent.

Queen Mud

I'm glad I joined today if for no other reason than this thread made me feel better about the upcoming election.


Holy Roman Emperor
I'm no fan of Obama, to be honest. But Romney is just such a fucking sleaze-tard that I'd rather have W back then vote for that tool.