Troll Kingdom

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I read an article on that said they changed Xavin's race from Skrull to something else.(can't remember the name, it was in my FB newsfeed).
You are correct, it was episode 7. You didn't have to kill my father, Nico. Are you mad at me? lol

OMG they got Molly. I knew that cop was going to be trouble as soon as Leslie told him they weren't going to use him anymore. Why are villains always so dumb? YEAH SHE'S A VILLAIN TOO.
EP 9 : I AM ALMOST FINISHED (only a few more days)

Molly's kidnapping didn't last long. I thought they would drag it out, I'm glad it didn't! The evil cops are annoying.

WHAT IS HAPPENING? Did Victor infect everyone with some kind of drug or something? OR IS IT JONAH?

EPISODE 10: I was hating it until Nico's eyes changed and she killed Awol and the other evil cops (I hope they are dead)

OH, Victor and Tina are possessed by aliens!
episode 11!

Leslie being preggo was a surprise.

Molly quinceanear was super cute.

Chase could have at least spent one more night with Gert! What a dingdong. He's gonna be pissed when he finds out his alien dad is lying about dying. :rwmad:
episode 12 - nefarious pride stuff!

Rescuing Leslie was good! Chase joining Pride is gonna be weird.

I don't get why they were thinking of eating Karolina when Jonah seemed to genuinely care about her before.
It's definitely the strongest season because they're not scared to actually just do weird stuff. Back in season one they tried to explain Nico's staff as "alien technology" but here they just treat it like magic and her mum is a witch and there's Liz Hurley and her super model witches. It's fun!