Utahraptor said:To hide beneath the banner of "free speech" for every hateful thing posted is the epitome of cowardice.
Really? Meet the two biggest cowards in the USA.

Utahraptor said:To hide beneath the banner of "free speech" for every hateful thing posted is the epitome of cowardice.
Utahraptor said:Pardon me in advance if this is too difficult a concept for you, Cow, but just because you can say a thing, doesn't mean you should. I realize abstract things like right and wrong are lost on your generation, but perhaps you could read up on it. You can read, can't you?
If you post a lot of vulgar nonsense, and then wave the free speech banner, you're a coward. I'll give you directions to my house and you can call me a festering pussy in person. Then we'll see what the real consequences of free speech are. Idiot.
Utahraptor said:Interesting how I never mentioned "church" and yet you assume that churches are the only institutions concerned with morality. You dismiss morality as if it doesn't matter. And yet it does. It is the only thing that matters; the only thing that keeps us from becoming a world of sociopaths.
Ha ha. It's funny that I should warn about sociopathy on a message board filled with sociopaths.
Utahraptor said:Yours is a non-sequitur. All I know is neither are found in abundance on TK.
Utahraptor said:Interesting how I never mentioned "church" and yet you assume that churches are the only institutions concerned with morality. You dismiss morality as if it doesn't matter. And yet it does. It is the only thing that matters; the only thing that keeps us from becoming a world of sociopaths.
Ha ha. It's funny that I should warn about sociopathy on a message board filled with sociopaths.
Missmanners said:Oh? Which came first, morality or common sense?
Utahraptor said:Yours is a non-sequitur. All I know is neither are found in abundance on TK.
Virginia said:MM
you mean he's not one and the same? (referring to the two pictures)
eloisel said:I have found it to be generally true that when a person starts preaching about morality to me, they are:
1) about to do me physical harm
2) take something of mine against my will
3) verbally abuse me.
The thing is, if you read my last post on EI, or if you've participated in the thread in SL regarding my PM to the AQG moderators, then you know that I am asking that all persons posting on EI be treated equally. That is not the same as enforcing rules only where TKers are concerned. And it is not the same as trying to "tear things down."Lover of Purple said:The hardest part is that I have often suport the TKers in the SL. No, I don't believe in screaming on the general board, as a Mod I work with the system. But I am finding it harder and harder and being pretty much looked down upon hasn't helped. I even liked the idea of Cait being a watchdog again, but I understand that the issue of repeats with watchdogs hasn't been decided on.
I will say that GTC has made several good suggestions and he seems to be working for good changes, in the right way. Maybe that just means he is a better Troll, I don't know.
DS often cracks me up and I enjoy TS's posts (usually).
I just don't understand this desire to tear things down. I just don't, never will.
Gonad said:Smartass. Utahraptor isn't doing any of those.
or is he? :scared:
Well, what if I typed:Gonad said:Hmm. Okay.