beer, I want beer
foil1212 said:Funny, tamar. I think you have posted some peoples' personal lives on the site. Actormike? Then there was something about anna...and you posted Tasvir's picture from a PM, before he started sharing it...
hm...hypocritical much?
How in hell is saying people shouldn't call information they posted on the internet "personal" hypocritical in any way?
I think you didn't understand what you read and then talked out your ass ....but thanks for playing anyway.
Oh and I have done way more than that...I have a long history of outing posters. Unfortunately, due to groundless fear more and more BBS' are getting scared and making rules against it. Which is stupid as well because that is what PMs are for..which is even funnier because the victims don't know who has their info and who doesn't. :lol: