Reverend Phelps
New member
Is it time for another fix? You are very delusional.
RWC said:I struck down each and every one of you, and you're still here because of that. Thanks again for being my collective bitch.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:Whatever, Junkie. I guess you're too stupid or drug-dazed to grasp the concept that "proxy" has a bit wider definition then the simple technical aspect you've fixated upon.
RWC said:Proxy notwithstanding, the email address [email protected] is also associated to it, and was used to activate an account. Want to pretend you hacked that account for the intent of trolling, Holsinger?
Still laughing. Thanks.
RWC said:Does not the individual's IP address show up on one's e-mail?
No it doesn't, bitch. But his match, sort of like my cock to your ass. Thanks for bending.
RWC said:Proxy notwithstanding, the email address [email protected] is also associated to it, and was used to activate an account. Want to pretend you hacked that account for the intent of trolling, Holsinger?
Still laughing. Thanks.
Paladin said:Tell me. You just finished stating that one's IP address does not show up on an e-mail. So how do you match up the e-mail address as coming from that specific IP address??????
RWC said:You've never been behind the control panel for two reasons: 1. you're too stupid, and 2. no one would show up.
You're SAMIR MIDHA, and you're too stupid to use a proxy. Maybe you should've, Samir.
Proxy notwithstanding, the email address [email protected] is also associated to it, and was used to activate an account. Want to pretend you hacked that account for the intent of trolling, Holsinger?
Still laughing. Thanks.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:You're so hot for me, RW. If I was a homo I'd be flattered - but I still wouldn't do a junkie.
Paladin said:That's the beauty of it all. When you created your 'bait site' I did use a proxy because I knew there was something fishy going on and I had no intention of displaying my IP address to the likes of you. Strange is it not that the IP address you posted and claimed to be mine was incorrect yes? Find that IP address again and tell everyone where it leads to. I would love to see the look upon everyone's face when you do. I know you will not do it because you already KNOW where it leads to. Go ahead and post it again. I am sure you keep that information on your computer in case you want to 'troll' me again. *ROTFLMAO* Post it and then trace it. You know you won't do it because when the others find out its point of origin you will look like one complete and total MORON.
By the way, why do you STILL resist posting why you use the name SamirMidha? You know it will embarass you don't you?
RWC said:Let's see, Samir... It leads right to where you claim to be from, and the claim you've made in many places. Thanks again, AvianThunder.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:What threat, junkie? All I've done is point out the facts. You are the nard making RL threats, aren't you?
Is this bitterness and spite you harbor connected to your drug abuse, do you think?
Gurk_MacGuintey said:What threat, junkie? All I've done is point out the facts. You are the nard making RL threats, aren't you?
Is this bitterness and spite you harbor connected to your drug abuse, do you think?