Seed catalog


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I got a new seed catalog in the mail today. I WILL DAYDREAM OF A FABULOUS SPRING GARDEN... in my mind my garden looks like headvoid's garden. Everything is in it's place, no weeds or ugly bugs. I would LIKE to grow some carrots, but that will never happen :rwmad: I want to grow something besides peas and tomatoes.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Your climate is too warm for broccoli. Maybe zucchini! DO YOU HAVE LOTS OF BEES?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
We do have lots of bees, zucchini and other squashes do really well usually. This past summer it rained so much that my squash rotted before it could really grow. I think I should plant them earlier in the spring this time. Maybe I can avoid some of the bugs that like to eat them too. FUCKING BUGS :rwmad:

LC, I just don't have much luck with root veggies.


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think they do need lots of water, but they also need someone willing to PULL THEM WEEDS... it's like a jungle out there. There's this one grass like weed that must have roots all the way to HELL, because I grabbed one to pull it, put all my whole body into pulling it up and it still DID NOT let go of the earth.

Dr Dave, I can grow mustard greens!


Keeper of the Nether Eye
I dabbled a bit with fruit and veg this year. Onions were great, lettuce was easy enough (had to make sure it stayed irrigated, though), and my watermelons and cantaloupe were great. I don't have the room for the vines to spread out so I attached them to climbers. I even managed to grow two tomato plants in patio pots. Pity all the fruit ripened at once so I couldn't enjoy it all.

Once I weeded my garden I put down cedar mulch - keeps the ground moist and prevents most weeds from showing face again. Not everyone likes mulch but if you don't like weeding over and over again it really does help. So far as those pesky weeds are concerned, anything with a root I couldn't pull by myself I used this tool - works the majority of the time.
