Serious question for the gays here: Would you be happy just being the other gender?

Darth Abominus

You bitches KNOW I'm awesome!
Few of my buds from work were talking about this over beers the other night.

They disagree with me, but here's my theory, based on the few gays I've known and the overall gay behavior I've encountered from both fags and dykes.

I contend that fags just want to be women, and dykes want to be men. I base this on the fact that the fags I've known have mostly been flaming, effeminate, fashion-obsessed, and flamboyant. They also want to have cocks in their holes.

Now, the dykes I've known have been absolutely without fashion concern or awareness (with the exception of two lipstick lesbos I know from the pub I frequent) and wear a lot of men's clothing, heavy shoes, and have short haircuts. Even know a dyke at work that wears Aqua Velva. I also know that this dyke loves to be fucked with a strap-on (overheard her telling this to another coworker).

So I thought I'd ask you pole-smokers and donut-bumpers here: is it really that simple? Do you just want to be the other gender?

If so, why not go off, have your surgery, and then shut the fuck up? The constant, "We're gay, we're not going anywhere, accept us, give us rights, blah blah blah" is getting old.


beer, I want beer
It has been my experience that while gays and lesbians are not always happy with their situations or the reactions of their loved ones, they are generally pretty satisfied with their actual gender and sexuality. In fact, with the right support from friends and family, gays and lesbians are pretty solid and well-adjusted people as a rule.

However, you know what group is almost always conflicted about their secret desires? Professed straight guys who sit around obsessively discussing details of gay lifestyle "over beers" with their same-sex "buds."

Any girls in that group? Don't bother answering.

Darth Abominus

You bitches KNOW I'm awesome!
It has been my experience that while gays and lesbians are not always happy with their situations or the reactions of their loved ones, they are generally pretty satisfied with their actual gender and sexuality. In fact, with the right support from friends and family, gays and lesbians are pretty solid and well-adjusted people as a rule.

However, you know what group is almost always conflicted about their secret desires? Professed straight guys who sit around obsessively discussing details of gay lifestyle "over beers" with their same-sex "buds."

Any girls in that group? Don't bother answering.

Hey there.

Yet another person who brings up the whole "if you dare question gay practices or ways, you must be a closet-gay yourself."

Not the case by far. I'm just tired of the gays crying "victim!" and demanding their lifestyle being accepted as if it's normal.

'Cause guess what, Donnie, it ain't normal. Far from it.


beer, I want beer
Hey there.

Yet another person who brings up the whole "if you dare question gay practices or ways, you must be a closet-gay yourself."

Not the case by far. I'm just tired of the gays crying "victim!" and demanding their lifestyle being accepted as if it's normal.

'Cause guess what, Donnie, it ain't normal. Far from it.

It's more like "If you sit around obsessing about gay people and discussing them and trying to figure them out while sucking on a long, hard narrow beer bottle until foam shoots out the end, with your all-male group of bestest buddies, each of whom also likes to spend his time thinking and talking about topics of gay lifestyle..."

You might wanna be careful whose rights you try to limit there, pally. Another couple years of beer and self-reflection with Billy Bubba and the boys, and you might be regretting your hardline stance a little. You and Billy Bubba are gonna want to be treated fairly outside Massachusetts.


RIP 1970~2018
Of course Donovan is right but I'd just like to steer the convo back to the term 'donut-bumpers'.


Yeah, say it with me -


Say, how long does something have to be going on before it's considered to be 'normal'?


beer, I want beer
Donut Bumpers is a pretty good term. I wonder if enough of us say it the Lesbian community will embrace it?


RIP 1970~2018
I sure hope not. I've always considered myself a donut bumper. Why aren't lesbians hotter anyway?


beer, I want beer
Because God's a man, and he knew if he made them sexier we'd feel worse about not being able to tap it.

God's a bro.


RIP 1970~2018
L_O_L @ God made lesbians ugly to help us out.


God _made_ lesbians?

Has anyone told the OP yet?


I posted elsewhere, Dono, you remind me of Nate. Not in the gay way but in the looks way, handsome. :wink:


beer, I want beer
Could be worse I suppose. Over the years I've been compared to Chachi, Lemmy from Motorhead, Bumhauer from King of the Hill, and Kenny Rogers. So I guess I could add a gay leading man to the list lol

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I caught some of Tromeo & Juliet the other day and it was insane hearing Lemmy's real speaking voice.

I mean, that shit was fucked.


My Stars!
I always wondered why he never showed any interest in his movie female lead (well, not so much a lead as a distant sattelite orbiting Pluto as a newly named moon). But, I digress. . .