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Sex Headaches

No it's not really overblown. You don't know Ani, whereas I do. Even a good friend of Dual, Ani, and myself who practices risky behavior, was concerned about Dual having unprotected sex with Ani. We don't know if she has any diseases and wouldn't be surprised to find out she does.

Wutcha talkin' bout, Hummus?

No it's not really overblown. You don't know Ani, whereas I do. Even a good friend of Dual, Ani, and myself who practices risky behavior, was concerned about Dual having unprotected sex with Ani. We don't know if she has any diseases and wouldn't be surprised to find out she does.

She might not but Walker who gather from the previous story might have had sex with Ani might have diseases and so you know....WEAR A GODDAMN FUCKING CONDOM!!!!
And OMGLOL that kid would be fucked up. She was talking about how nobody she knew had ever stopped drinking during pregnancy, including her mother. Toss in Seroquel abuse and, lol, you've got baby Kevin.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! "I lovf tha powwa I haf over peepo!!!"
the headache is about blood pressure. definitely stop what you're doing if you feel one coming on and see a doctor immediately if anything "pops". That'll be you blowing a blood vessel.
If it's a blood pressure thing, take some aspirin before you fuck.

Also, on the unwanted pregnancy thing, just make sure if you're going bareback, do it in the week right after she's done bleeding. rhythm method ftw

As for the diseases, BDM's right. The two biguns are herpes and teh hiv. After that, there's nothing that some antibiotics, wart cream, or de-louser can't solve.
double post,

Oh, my former roommate had a scare with his ex. She came out and told him she had hep-v after they'd been dating. It takes a few months for that shit to show up in a test and women are supposed to get a pap and a test by their gyn every year. They had been dating for three years at that point. Now, after doing the math, I discovered she'd been cheating on him and told him. He freaked and hacked her myspace, dumping all of her nude photos and e-mailing them to her parents. I laughed hard.
Moral of the story? Even if you've been dating someone for several years, you can still catch shit. If you fuck without a condom, it's swimming at your own risk. Still, feels good man.
They had been dating for three years at that point. Now, after doing the math, I discovered she'd been cheating on him and told him. He freaked and hacked her myspace, dumping all of her nude photos and e-mailing them to her parents. I laughed hard.

LOL That reminds me of my divorce...
Also, on the unwanted pregnancy thing, just make sure if you're going bareback, do it in the week right after she's done bleeding. rhythm method ftw

My sister and I are both products of the rhythm method. It doesn't always work the way you want it to.
My sister and I are both products of the rhythm method. It doesn't always work the way you want it to.

Well, if your dad is potent. Meaning his sperm don't die for the full three days and your mother's vaginal juices aren't viscous or basic enough, also, if your mother normally ovulates on a friday, instead of a saturday, and if your parents had sex on a thursday or Wednesday, they'll end up pregnant. It's best to only have sex on the rhythm method for three to four days after her flow has ceased.
Condoms can fail, pills can fail, fucking vasectomies can fail.

Being a sexless hermit like me is about the only guaranty you can get in that department.
condoms have a 99% success rate. If you use them right and buy good ones, you shouldn't have many problems. That's why condoms + the pill = (usually) no pregnancy!!! Women getting their tubal ligation I believe is either 99% or 100% effective.