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Shadowfire reinstated

in fact, i'm behind everything. i'm the fucking antichrist.

the holocaust? that was me.

bombing hiroshima? me.

global warming? that was me too.

lil kim's breast implants leaking? i poked that bitch with a needle.

so yes, please feel free to blame everything you want on niki because niki is behind EVERYTHING.

please to be noting the sarcasm. or not. i don't give a fuck.
niki blue said:
yes, because i'm a liar with a super hidden agenda to fuck everyone over. *rolls eyes*

i didn't lie to you psyche, RobL came out with it in another thread. but thanks for thinking so little of me.

Yeah! Even I think more of you than that :lol:
DarthSikle said:
not quite a racist?? just a bigot then?

It actually mostly depends how you define the term 'bigot'.

I do hate people. I find them to be annoying fleshsacks. Not a racist as its not a race thing, its an equal thing. Everyone bothers me, I jump to conclusions and make generalisations about everyone.
Psyche said:
Ru, Niki told me to send a PM to the admins because she was sick of whatever the admins and mods were apparently doing.

I figured I wanted to know if anything was going on with the DS and Shadow appeals.

I did jump to a conclusion (though it was a small jump a baby could've done, what would you think if someone showed you the code and said they were gonna send it to DS and told you what it it would do and you verified it by asking a tech?). But I sent the PM to Darthsikle because I thought there was a threat. No one told me to. Well, the tech told me what to tell him about protecting his computer.

And Rob, I always have my own agenda. You may as well just assume that in the future.

Ok Thank you for filling me in...

When you wrote to the EI staff did you let them know all these details about seeing the code, that they planned on sending the virus to DS and that you were force to write to them (Ei Staff) because of Niki was putting pressure on you?

They told you their plans. You didn't have to jump to any conclusion. Don't you know there is a difference. They had a plan and would have followed through if you hadn't put a kink in place.
also, shea, if you want to call me a liar in the future, at least do me the courtesy of doing it over AIM.
oh and thanks for making it sound like i'm some conniving bitch who was like "OMG SHEA, YOU HAVE TO WRITE THIS OR ELSE I'LL EAT YOUR BABIES."

i have the chat logs where we discussed this. but thank you for being twofaced and pretending to be a friend to my face and but apparently considering me an evil fucking lying cunt all along.
Okay Niki. Yes, I jumped to a conclusion. I tried to edit it out but my edit button went missing. And I didn't see where Rob said it. I saw you talking about me.

You also told me you didn't care if Shadow got back in. But then you were all happy when he did get back in. You wanted to know my side of the story then went on believing whatever the hell you wanted to anyway.
niki blue said:
in fact, i'm behind everything. i'm the fucking antichrist.

the holocaust? that was me.

bombing hiroshima? me.

global warming? that was me too.

lil kim's breast implants leaking? i poked that bitch with a needle.

so yes, please feel free to blame everything you want on niki because niki is behind EVERYTHING.

please to be noting the sarcasm. or not. i don't give a fuck.

Hey Niki get over yourself....Rob already cleared that issue up for you.
Thank him and be nice
because i'm not allowed to change my opinion when he pisses me off? i was speaking out of anger because i was upset with him.

yes, i'm an evil hypocritical person. i'm really not having this conversation anymore, if you have something you'd like to discuss on AIM with me, shea, you can do that.

but be careful, because obviously i'm a bad person who can't be trusted. well, you'll be happy to know that i'll no longer be posting in the ward. i'd hate to fuck anyone over... y'know... 'cause that's what i do. *rolls eyes*
RuReddy said:
Ok Thank you for filling me in...

When you wrote to the EI staff did you let them know all these details about seeing the code, that they planned on sending the virus to DS and that you were force to write to them (Ei Staff) because of Niki was putting pressure on you?

They told you their plans. You didn't have to jump to any conclusion. Don't you know there is a difference. They had a plan and would have followed through if you hadn't put a kink in place.

They knew the details because that was in the PM I sent to DS. That happened a long time before the email to the admins that Niki wanted me to send.
Psyche said:
Okay Niki. Yes, I jumped to a conclusion. I tried to edit it out but my edit button went missing. And I didn't see where Rob said it. I saw you talking about me.

You also told me you didn't care if Shadow got back in. But then you were all happy when he did get back in. You wanted to know my side of the story then went on believing whatever the hell you wanted to anyway.

Well, then, you should have been paying attention when she got all pissy and said that she was going to leave and not let the staff get away with it when this all went down.

Really, girl, you need to keep track of your troll projects better.
you're right Ru, i forgot to thank Rob. he could have agreed with shea and pinned it on me, but he cleared that up. :)
yes, shea because you know me so well to know that i would have freaked out if you said that you didn't feel comfortable.

ask chica about that, because i discussed it in length with her over if i should put you in that spot.

so don't blame me because you can't say no to someone.