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lul dance is an art form; liek all art, people ascribe what is within them, to the piece ;)
In which, lies its power.
Shakira can belly dance. I'll give her that. But when it comes to any other type of dance she looks like a spastic. I'm sorry, it's true. Whenever I see her dance I either cringe or laugh. I'm not sure that's the intended effect.

She attempts to pop n' lock all the time in her videos and live performances and it's embarrassing because she doesn't understand the basics of how to tick, tut, pop or lock and it looks really stupid. I don't have anything against Shakira. She is smoking hot and can sing and I believe writes her own music which are all commendable traits to be sure.

...But If you're going to do such highly regarded stuff you have to get it right or you will look like a prize muppet..




LOL. She is shockingly bad!
I think the fundamental flaw in your argument is
She attempts to pop n' lock all the time in her videos and live performances and it's embarrassing because she doesn't understand the basics of how to tick, tut, pop or lock and it looks really stupid.

Basically as it is based on the projected presumption that all popin and tucking is western dance/genre based etc, and a limited understanding of shakira's dance style and belly dance in general.

The poppin and tucking you refer to in her dance are actual raqs sharqi moves, with which she adapts at times to modern/personal interpretation.
The women is aktually a very accomplished and talented oriental dancer.

In the same vain that raqs sharqi moves made there way onto the clubbing dance floor, so to shakira manipulates them in such dances as "she wolf."
Its not an 'attempt' it is pure technique, applied in a variety of disciplines, styles and environments.

The example vid you provided is a demonstration of 'isolation'. Her barbie doll dance is also a jest at 'barbie doll' shallow women.
As I said, dance is conveys a message ;)

I maintain that there is no real appreciation of pure art.
It s only accepted if it is 'known' sweet to taste, definite and controlled.

Which = fucking boring ;)
You are missing the point I made entirely. First of all I said clearly that she can belly dance though she is hardly doing pure raqs sharki style which some might say is the only true style. I'm no expert on belly dancing though and from the little I do know about it she seems proficient enough. She is infusing a whole bunch of styles from around the world and infusing them in urban and traditional ways. I imagine we agree on that. What I am saying is that she looks amateur when she tries to incorporate poppin' in to her routines and she often looks like she is trying too hard to be a great dancer. That's simply my opinion. There is no doubt that she is attempting to pop lock and not doing it very well. It doesn't take an expert to see that.

Also the video I posted is NOT an example of isolation at all. Isolation is nothing more than a component of dance that can be found in many, many styles. If she came close to doing any isolation moves in that video it was in her attempting them in the context of "doing the robot" and I have to say that if that's her example of isolation then she needs to practice a lot more. The MJ video I posted has quite a few examples of proper isolation moves. The Shakira video not so much.
u talking about this move?

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
I love the fact that across the internet this thread would have descended normally into a NA YOU! YOU LOSE type of discussion.

Here in the Minefield, the spirit of MJ has been invoked, and we have descended into a discussion on the raqs sharki style of dancing.