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Sherlock Holmes


Staff member

The new series. The pilot "Study in Pink" was surprisingly excellent and I would thoroughly recommend checking it out if you missed it.

Whilst NOBODY will ever be better than Jeremy Brett because he was fucking faultless the new guy playing Sherlock is really good and Martin Freeman as Watson also seems to be something of an inspired choice as well.

The twist with this new series is that they have brought Sherlock Holmes in to the modern era and it actually works really, really well.

It's just called "Sherlock" (SORRY) actually, but yeah, I watched the first episode (A FEW DAYS LATE AND I'LL PROBABLY WATCH THE SECOND A FEW DAYS LATE TOO, SORRY) and it was really good. What was funny is that they kept reminding me of House and Wilson but of course House and Wilson were based on Holmes and Watson anyway so I don't know why I mentioned that.

Benedcit Crumberbiscuit was good and Martin Freema was surprisingly good too (I mean he was shit in Hitchhiker's Guide but everyone was really.)
Needs more hot girls. They should have replaced Watson with a trash talking figher pilot hot chick.
Shut up Hambil.

Yeah it was excellent, because when Steven Moffat writes something it usually is. Apparently it will appear on Showtime in the US later this year.
The second episode was pretty good. The plot felt a bit drawn out, but it was always watchable thanks to Holmes and Watson. Was weird how they spent so much time introducing the police guy last week but this week it was a totally different police guy for some reason. The chinese girl was pretty hot before she died.
I'm downloading it now. I was really impressed with the pilot and I hope they keep the quality up.

I am a huge Sherlock Holmes fan and have read ALL of Conan Doyle's books multiple times and the original series with Jeremy Brett is fantastic (have em all on DVD) not in small part because of Jeremy Brett who is the greatest of the great greats.

I really do like Benedcit Crumberbiscuit and I think he has really brought a new spin to the character without gutting the soul and spirt (like the fucking movie) but he still has to bow at the altar of Brett's portrayal. :)
Brett was indeed an absolute genius in that role. He was gifted with a skillfully written script.

The very subtle skirting round the heroin / opium issue throughout the series is also brilliant. "It is quite a 3 pipe problem..."

I loved it as a kid, and would love to own them on DVD. I may search that out now.
It's a shame they didn't do more with it in Next Gen but seeing as the cost involved was high each time (they had to pay the Doyle estate) it's understandable.
So the third episode was back up the standard of the first. There was so much STUFF going on that it was hard to follow at times but it all kind of made sense in the end. I was convinced that cute lab girl was Moriarty, but it turned out to be a camp Irish guy. Well, it was unexpected anyway. I'm sure he'll be good (if there's more episodes.) I actually thought Watson was evil for a few seconds too at the end so well done there. THEY BETTER FUCKING MAKE new episodes because it would be shit to just leave it with them all dying, really. I mean, come on.
There'll be a second "season" next year. It's annoying that they're doing 90 minute episodes... the stories really don't need to be that long and it means they can do less of them. But I assume it's another example of the Beeb's commissioning being dictated by how the product can be sold in the US. 90 minute episodes can be cut into two 45 minute ones, while hour long episodes (which the series actually deserves) would probably be edited for time for US broadcast.

Anyway, great third episode. Thought it was a little bit like Jonathan Creek at times with the larger than life characters, especially the assassin. Moriarty was a complete surprise, but then I don't think there were really any clues. His voice is annoying.