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Sherlock series 2

That was epic. It's going to make all other tv seem trivial and retarded by comparison. Even Big Brother!
Shit. She was in Spooks the whole of this season too and I NEVER clocked that she was the ENGLISH fairy from True Blood!!
Well her character existed only so that people could make "fairy godmother" jokes so it's not that surprising!
Still, I'm usually better at noticing actors from things in other things. Like when I spotted Mickey from Neighbours in Falling Skies but it was actually a boy who'd been in a recent episode of some other crappy genre show... well not exactly like that...

Anyway, Sherlock had too many good things to mention, really. When the thing with the hats happened I thought it'd reached its peak, but then it did 20 other far more amusing/intelligent/unexpected-and-subtle-yet-still-easy-to-digest things.

And Martin Freeman did the FACE.
SO, another good episode, if not quite as much of a non-stop rollercoaster of fun as last week. And I have a few minor problems...

Didn't really like the bit at the start where Sherlock was going crazy at home. I know it's quite a wacky show but there is a wackiness line and this was nearly crossing it for me. Just too over the top, I felt. Probably just me!

Still not convinced at all that Russell Tovey is a good actor and his ears are really annoying.
I'm never sure about Russell Tovey either. I think on this occasion he got away with it because as you say, it's a bit of a wacky show, so you can have a larger than life posho with silly ears going around everywhere shrieking, but I do kind of get the feeling that he would've acted in exactly the same way if it'd been a 100% serious drama.

Anyway, it was good and enjoyable and stuff. The gay jokes were starting to wear a little thin, especially when they brought in the gay couple in the pub who looked like they were out of a Little Britain sketch. Good dogging joke, though. I guess we're meant to google that acronym, or was it just randomly created by the "motion of the ocean"?

I didn't find the gas being the source of the hallucinogen very surprising, since we're all far more familiar with poison gas than poison sugar cubes. I don't know if that was really supposed to be a mystery. But the Hound turning up just as Sherlock had explained that it definitely didn't exist was a done twist and really made me question what was possible in the show's universe.

I picked up on Dr Franklin from Holby's use of the word "cell", but got annoyed thinking it was the BBC pandering to American audiences yet again, like they do when they make dramas 45 minutes long or let John Barrowman live.

Next week's is apparently based on the story where Holmes and Moriarty snuff it. Who wants to bet there's an open ending so they can bring the show back if Benedict Cumberbatch has a bit of free time after taking on James Tiberius Kirk?
Next week's was written by the guy who wrote the weakest episode of the first series (the chinese one) and that mermaid episode of Doctor Who. So maybe it'll be shit!
Yeah, it wasn't good. But I'm sure Moffat and Gaitiss will be heavily involved in the script for next week's (and maybe the guy is actually a good writer and he's just been unlucky before!)
So IF they didn't know for sure if there weren't going to be anymore episodes, they could have just ended with Watson at the grave. But since they showed Sherlock alive at the end, they HAVE to to another series to explain it.

They actually showed him stepping off the edge and a body hitting the ground. We didn't just see it from Watson's point of view in the distance. So it's kind of hard to explain, unless he knew the exact way to land without dying (which is a bit hard to believe?) He couldn't have swapped himself with another dead body that looked exactly like him just before stepping off, because we actually saw him stepping off.

But there's that scene where he goes to Molly for help. The obvious thought is she substituted him with a dead body. Or revived him in the morgue because...yeah, there's no point thinking about it really because I'll probably be wrong and we just need a proper explanation in a new episode next year.

Or maybe he put his Katra into Molly's body. Or she built a robot version.

Yeah, anyway, good episode. Bit weird that he would be fooled at all by a few lines of binary being some amazing code that can unlock anything, but I expect flashbacks next year to show that didn't really fool him and he explained everything that would happen to Molly when they were setting up their robot/dead body trick.
From what SteMo has said on Twitter, Series 3 was confirmed at the same time Series 2 was, so they always knew they would continue it.

I really liked that the cliffhanger wasn't "IS SHERLOCK HOLMES REALLY DEAD????" because it's a really obvious one. Rather it's "HOW did he fake his death?" which is far more interesting.

I also though something along the lines of body switching with Molly's help but WHO KNOWS.

Also the question is - is Moriarty really dead? An interesting theory I read is that Moriarty really was an actor called Richard Brook who was hired by the real mastermind behind everything which would explain why he does actually have an acting past. But that might be too nuts.

Actually Moriarty was really good in this episode, too.
Wacky, that's not such a far fetched theory.

The thing about Jim/Richard being an actor is that an actor wouldn't have shot himself in the head.

I agree that this was a much better ending than simply "did he die?" or a "who shot Sherlock?" kind of thing. I would call what we got a "howdunnit?".

A body swap at some point must be the answer, but it's hard to figure out when it would have happened. Maybe watching it again would provide some clues, but as I remember it, we definitely saw Sherlock when he was giving his note and we definitely saw him on the ground. I suspect there'll be some clever editing that'll show that the shots of him on the phone were on a different building (maybe even a prerecorded conversation, based on him anticipating what John's responses would be?), and the shots of the body dropping were a lookalike, or Moriarty... not sure how they'd swap Moriarty's corpse for Sherlock without any witnesses, but at least they wouldn't have to fake the blood splat.

One obvious lead/red herring is that Lara Pulver's character is still alive, in contact with Sherlock, and had previous experience at producing a dead body that was so believably hers that it even convinced Sherlock she was dead. And she owes him one.
Some people on the internet literally think it was a clone of Sherlock that died because he mentioned human cloning at the science lab last week.
I wouldn't really want another actor playing Moriarty now anyway after that one was so good. And if he was an actor how come we saw him doing things like texting Mycroft when no one was watching him?