I'm never sure about Russell Tovey either. I think on this occasion he got away with it because as you say, it's a bit of a wacky show, so you can have a larger than life posho with silly ears going around everywhere shrieking, but I do kind of get the feeling that he would've acted in exactly the same way if it'd been a 100% serious drama.
Anyway, it was good and enjoyable and stuff. The gay jokes were starting to wear a little thin, especially when they brought in the gay couple in the pub who looked like they were out of a Little Britain sketch. Good dogging joke, though. I guess we're meant to google that acronym, or was it just randomly created by the "motion of the ocean"?
I didn't find the gas being the source of the hallucinogen very surprising, since we're all far more familiar with poison gas than poison sugar cubes. I don't know if that was really supposed to be a mystery. But the Hound turning up just as Sherlock had explained that it definitely didn't exist was a done twist and really made me question what was possible in the show's universe.
I picked up on Dr Franklin from Holby's use of the word "cell", but got annoyed thinking it was the BBC pandering to American audiences yet again, like they do when they make dramas 45 minutes long or let John Barrowman live.
Next week's is apparently based on the story where Holmes and Moriarty snuff it. Who wants to bet there's an open ending so they can bring the show back if Benedict Cumberbatch has a bit of free time after taking on James Tiberius Kirk?