Shitty subforum


New Member
Needs another side of politics to force a big helping 'o truth down your gullets.

Cranky Bastard

New Member

Wow. I missed whatever point that was. We have a "side" that needs balance here?

Shit man, nothing's been posted since you've been gone. You're the life of TK outside of the shitty MF.


New Member
Not something I'm especially proud of. Back when I was around (BECAUSE I'M NOT ANYMORE) I did ponder over the idea that TK was giving me attention I didn't want and that it was detracting from other things which weren't permitted to 'grow' because I stonewalled those somehow.

Cranky Bastard

New Member
Cranky Bastard said:
You're the life of TK outside of the shitty MF.

Mentalist Wow, someone is getting bitter.

Wow, someone sure is touchy about the MF.


Staff member
Cranky Bastard said:
Wow, someone sure is touchy about the MF.

I completley agree. That someone is obviously you. The chip on your shoulder about being 'driven' out is rather amusing.

outside of the shitty MF

Yeppo, pretty damn touchy. :hifu:

Cranky Bastard

New Member
Mentalist said:
I completley agree. That someone is obviously you. The chip on your shoulder about being 'driven' out is rather amusing.

Yeppo, pretty damn touchy. :hifu:

Now this is surprising. Menty is exaggerating for the benefit of making his point seem valid. :retard:

Aren't you supposed to be the level-headed, ultra-reasonable admin (or whatever the hell you are) who judiciously oversees operation of TK? You're not purposely being stupid, are you?

Nowhere did I claim I was being "driven out." I made mention that The Harlot was made to feel unwelcome as was my recent post in the MF.

That's quite a bit different than your hysterical assumption there, Maestro.


Staff member
Made not to feel welcome to the point of geting narky about the place on several occasions. If I didn't know better I'd say you were trolled. But I know better, right? - It's ironic then that you would say that I am touchy about the MF (I am). When you're carrying a grudge over the place and calling it names!

Now that's hysterical.


Cranky Bastard

New Member
Trolled? I laughed the entire time.

But if it makes you feel better.

Cranky Bastard

New Member
Mentalist felt it necessary to be petulant over a MF reference in some other post. :twisted:


Valhallan Ambassador
Cranky Bastard said:
Mentalist felt it necessary to be petulant over a MF reference in some other post. :twisted:

Petulant is something Mental does well. It's born of his deep-seated insecurity concerning his own intellect, and invariably surfaces when he deals with others whose own intellects he feels are on a par or above his own. He'll probably grow out of it someday ... if and when his admirable intellect becomes tempered with the wisdom that only time and experience can provide.