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Should Cute People Be Shot?


I love you
Are there some people out there that are just too cute for society? They are a danger to themselves and others? Should they be quarantened and put in cages like in the zoo so that we may view them all the time?
Some people say I'm cute, others say "we were talking to the guy behind you".

Either way, cute people should be tranquilized and locked in my room.
This isnt the first time Mirah has started a thread of this sort.

Is it that shes being IRL hated on for her looks and is reflecting upon it?
Perhaps, she has something against attractive people, but that would be assuming shes not.

meh whatever.
At Sniper Kitty and anyone else

It was suggested I remake the thread in the MF since the idea seemed to be lost on the last crowd. It was not made as a way of saying, "I hate cute people" Because I don't. It is also not a matter of me feeling less cute than anyone else either.
It was made because sometimes at work I see cute people get preferential treatment because they are cute. And then sometimes I catch myself doing it and get mad at myself for doing it!
Also, when I say cute, I'm not only talking about loos-because I have seen several handsome and good looking people come in and they seem to expect preferential treatment based on their looks-and they are cocky as well-so in all reality I treat them different as well because they are A Holes.
So really, it is a shame when people are treated different based on thier looks, but sometimes they can be treated different based on thier attitude as well. Sometimes the A Holes get what they want just so we can get rid of them, so then the nice people lose out. I hate it. Its the stupidest thing ever.

But really-the cute people who get or seem to get preferential treatment are also cute, because they act cute, and sweet-so its easy to be nice to them.
But really-the cute people who get or seem to get preferential treatment are also cute, because they act cute, and sweet-so its easy to be nice to them.
They also just might be cute, and sweet.

Cute is an interesting look. It really has far more to do with personality than looks. I think any good looking person can be cute or sexy, just depending on how they act. I've seen my personal favorite, Jennifer Love Hewitt, do smoking sexy and irresistibly cute. Though smoking sexy is acting, and cute is her nature. But that just sort of proves my point.

With that said, I'm okay with attractive people getting stuff because they are attractive. I get stuff because I'm smart. I really don't see the difference from a biological/natural select or moral standpoint to be honest.