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Should Cute People Be Shot?

vacuous cute people, yes, they should be learned that not everything is theirs and that things should be earned.

cool people who happen to be cute, no.
The other discussion we were having is this: Have you ever seen something or someone so cute it hurts?! That is why you want to shoot them, it just hurts too god damn much to look at them. I'm not the only one am I?
I don't want to shoot the painfully cute, I just want to hug them and squeeze them and love them forever.
I don't want to shoot them. I want to stab, cut, hurt them. The pain would be sharp and swift and stinging to match the agony their beauty brings upon me each time I look at them.
And people who describe themselves as "bubbly", when what they really mean is "fucking annoying motormouth who everyone wishes would fall down a well and drown - quietly".
As someone on the booring side of "plain" physically, I usually view excessive cuteness or attractiveness as a disadvantage. People tend to objectify and presume. The SMART cute ones can use this to catch people unawares, the average or dumb cute ones get used.
In my own case, because I am plain, people hold off making the assumptions...
