Should Obama's image be added to Mt Rushmore?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Intentions mean very little. It's likely most presidents, including Bush meant well. It's their actions that matter in the end. Was not a fan of Bush, and Obama is truly disturbing.

See, that's part of the problem. In a lot of cases, what the president says or does doesn't amount to shit. It's the morons that we elect to the lesser offices that are the real culprits. A president's really only a figurehead for out government. He serves 4 years, 8 if he's a real glutton for punishment, and then moves on. It's these fucking asshats who make it a career that are the real problem. That's why I'm all in favor for term limits on every elected office. No more of this lifetime career bullshit.


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
It'd give a chance for more people to get through the office as well, for better or worse. But hey, if Oregon can have term limits on elected offices, so can DC.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Leave off Reagan and I'm with you.

Yeah, right. He'd be the center piece of Mount Douchemore. If Hinckley wouldn't have missed, it might also have put an end to Bush Sr's run for President. He would have taken over for Reagan, served a partial term and people would have known what a douche he was and never elected him to a full term. They should have executed Hinckley for missing.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Dork Lord said:
Oh come on! Reagan started it all!

Actually, though Reagan did a lot of damage, you can trace a lot of the current problems, ESPECIALLY the health care problems, straight back to the Nixon administration. Bottom line, when ever a Republican won the presidency, corporate America got wealthier, restrictions or regulations were lifted to favor them, and the American people suffered the consequences.