Dark Pickle
Fucked Off
Sorry for being an old lady, I was in a bad mood. I sort of tried to explain myself in the other thread. The MF is too huge as it is, a spamcapital thread would be unseemly. We already archive and purge to try to bring the size down so that it's not so huge. Etc etc BONC Aslkdfjsfa;rogisdfn OMGLOL!
I knew it would be taken this way. It wasn't an excuse, but I can see that it's going to be an uphill battle to convince you otherwise.Wait a minute.... are you using the excuse "the MF is too huge as it is" as a reason for cherry picking which threads you allow in? The fact is, you dont archive very often and I dont remember when the last time any pruning was done and in fact threads are frequently moved back OUT of the archives, something no other forum gets to do. The Badlands has been pruned of many times more posts in the past two years than the MF ever has.
Why dont you just be honest about why you dont want them starting a spam thread, because if you really believe the MF is too huge, I can fix that.
Fuck you Loktar. You'd rather I had three hundred threads with the same title like Gagh and LC?
I have a feeling I'll be going to hell to fuck myself again very soon.