Shut the fuck up Fat Man


New Member
I think even the worst of us is several cuts above Jack's juvenile twaddle.


smegMATIC said:
I think even the worst of us is several cuts above Jack's juvenile twaddle.

Well, I don't see any difference. You all seem to be picking targets indiscriminately. I couldn't give a shit about jack, but you guys focused on me, so why should I give a damn whatever jack has done to you?

It's simply like being surrounded by drooling peons from all angles, with jack covering the only safe exit.

Though you seem to be in possession of a brain, at least.
Nothing is more cheerful than talking about mass executions.

I'm starting with these guys and working my way west:



I have a Red Sox jersey, but being English, I know fuck all about them, nor support them, so I'm happy for you to think that this is somehow a worthwhile way to troll me.


Oh, find a new line already, you bunch of no-talent hacks. "Ha ha fatty fat fat lol rofl rotflmao" ect ect ect.