Shuttle Discovery: on Orbit


Elder Statesman
Well, looks like Discovery made it up to orbit without too much drama. One "range safety" issue (i.e. on the ground, not a problem with the shuttle or it's systems), still launched within window. One big foam loss, but after the critical window where thicker air might cause the debris to decelerate enough to be a danger, we'll see if it actually gouged anything or not, probably not.

Last flight for this shuttle per the current plans.

Godspeed Discovery! :D


beer, I want beer

American engineering.


Elder Statesman
And just how many Canadian Spacecraft were launched on a Canadian rocket? How many space stations do you guys have?


(to give our future conquests north of the Border credit: they make a damn good robot arm)


Elder Statesman
EVA's 1 and 2 complete, the new module (basically a closet) installed. Most of the major objectives for this trip are met, although they are approved for 1 extra on orbit day. Several "get ahead" tasks were also done.

I say they do a barrel roll on landing approach, just for the hell of it.

Kinda like Tex Johnson did with the "Dash 80".


beer, I want beer
And just how many Canadian Spacecraft were launched on a Canadian rocket? How many space stations do you guys have?


(to give our future conquests north of the Border credit: they make a damn good robot arm)

Please be advised that you would not have a NASA today without:


... and ...


Some of the most advanced satellites employed by NASA are CANADIAN.

... and ...

The Mars Rover? A huge chunk of those were built with Canadian technology.

Yes, the Canadarm ALLOWS you to do anything in space other than just sit inside the shuttles and stare at the fucking earth.


beer, I want beer
Please be advised that you would not have a NASA today without:


... and ...


Some of the most advanced satellites employed by NASA are CANADIAN.

... and ...

The Mars Rover? A huge chunk of those were built with Canadian technology.

Yes, the Canadarm ALLOWS you to do anything in space other than just sit inside the shuttles and stare at the fucking earth.

Consumer is a moron. The program was cancelled due to high costs as claimed by the new government of the day. Ironically, the costs were found to be lower than those of all American planes of the day, NONE of which were even good enough to live in the shadow of the Arrow. The Arrow was NOT replaced by an American fighter, but by the new anti-air missile systems pushed on us by the Americans who kept pointing out interceptors were a thing of the past. It was all a plot to make a sale, which the Canadian government of the day was suckered into buying.

It was those involved with the building of the Arrow who BUILT NASA itself. The Arrow program does not die, NASA is never created. It is that simple.


Elder Statesman
Compare the Arrow to the F106. Both for the tech specs and for that little thing called "Years in Service" and "Production quantity". :D

Hey, if the Canadians don't have enough back-bone to stick to their guns on a program, it's the USA's The only part of the Canadian "military" that works is the RCMP.



Here's what's left of your program...



Elder Statesman


beer, I want beer
Compare the Arrow to the F106. Both for the tech specs and for that little thing called "Years in Service" and "Production quantity". :D

Hey, if the Canadians don't have enough back-bone to stick to their guns on a program, it's the USA's The only part of the Canadian "military" that works is the RCMP.



Here's what's left of your program...


You are comparing the F-106 to the Avro Arrow? I wouldn't even do so to your US Air Force compatriots, for they would laugh into your face. The Arrow, in its day, was the ONLY fighter capable of travelling beyond Mach 3. You didn't even have a fighter capable of reaching past Mach 1. This is why the Soviets were sniffing around. There are rumours the Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat, to this day the fastest interceptor ever produced, was based upon the Arrow.


Elder Statesman
The Arrow was a Mach 2.5 aircraft, just like the F-106, and several US aircraft capable of Mach 2+ (including the 1956) were in service before the Arrow prototype flew.

As for Mach 3+, YF-12. Look it up.

Sorry Luci, Fact FAIL.


Elder Statesman
And now...back to the subject:

Discovery's un-docked from the station, heading home after a very successful cargo delivery an re-boost of the station.

For your viewing pleasure:


Elder Statesman
Double post, so I'll add a few more barbs.

Arrow: Mach 1.98 (during flight trials, in theory it was a Mach 2+ aircraft, NOT Mach 3)
First flight: 1958.

F106: Mach 2.3 (with combat load)
First flight: 1954
Entry into service: 1956
Retired from service (active): 1988
A few aircraft were retained as research aircraft, most of the rest were used as high-speed target drones in the 90's.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Yesterday morning. THE SHAT!


beer, I want beer
The Arrow was a Mach 2.5 aircraft, just like the F-106, and several US aircraft capable of Mach 2+ (including the 1956) were in service before the Arrow prototype flew.

As for Mach 3+, YF-12. Look it up.

Sorry Luci, Fact FAIL.

The Arrow flew at Mach 3.1 as a prototype, and that was with the lesser engine, BEFORE they introduced the most-powerful engine ever built in the day, the Orenda, built in Canada. The builders knew it would go up to at least Mach 3.7 with that engine, before the cancellation. When the Arrow first flew, the USA did NOT have a single aircraft capable of flying beyond Mach 1.6. YOU look it up.


beer, I want beer
Double post, so I'll add a few more barbs.

Arrow: Mach 1.98 (during flight trials, in theory it was a Mach 2+ aircraft, NOT Mach 3)
First flight: 1958.

F106: Mach 2.3 (with combat load)
First flight: 1954
Entry into service: 1956
Retired from service (active): 1988
A few aircraft were retained as research aircraft, most of the rest were used as high-speed target drones in the 90's.

Wrong. One of the test pilots of the Arrow, WITH the American engine in it, stated unequivocally that he flew the Arrow past Mach 3, but was told to slow the plane down lest the Americans, spying with their radar, discover the capabilities of the fighter, not to mention the Soviets snooping around at the time. This is why it has not been 'proven', although the individual who was in the plane with him at the time backed up his claim. Remember, our government trashed EVERYTHING that had to do with the Arrow. There are claims that the Soviets based their MiG-25 Foxbat on the Arrow. Remember, the Foxbat broke EVERY SINGLE SPEED RECORD when it was introduced. The engine was strikingly similar to our Orenda Iroquois engine, as was the design of the plane itself, using our technology.

Now, do hush about things you know nothing. By the way, the F-106 was NEVER capable of flying at Mach II, which is why we did not want the plane.


beer, I want beer
The Arrow was a Mach 2.5 aircraft, just like the F-106, and several US aircraft capable of Mach 2+ (including the 1956) were in service before the Arrow prototype flew.

As for Mach 3+, YF-12. Look it up.

Sorry Luci, Fact FAIL.

*ROTFLMAO @ you bringing up the Blackbird* It was actually the SR71.

When the USA would claim the SR-71 always flew over the Soviet Union, the Soviets laughed. THIS is why:


It was the only craft OTHER THAN THE AVRO ARROW, that could catch the Blackbird, AND shoot it down. Why do you think the fucking program was cancelled? The American propaganda claim is that it was cancelled due to budget constraints, which is utter bullshit. The plane was useless. Why build such an expensive plane that could easily be caught and shot down by the Foxbat?

You Americans, and your propaganda make me laugh. You started to build a fleet of U2s, which DID fly over the Soviet Union, UNTIL the Soviets developed missiles capable of easily intercepting it. When Gary Powers was shot down you Americans DID NOT HAVE A CLUE about their newest AA missiles.