

more cookies please?
Hmmmmm, I made my own in Photoshoip. And I must say that it is infinitely better than yours.

So. I think it's good to have a little healthy competition.

So as of now, Cluckyx will ALSO be offering custom Avatars and Signatures of a HIGHER QUALITY.

Fact: Miranda rubs the AIDS virus into each av she makes.

Fact: All Cluckyx graphics are guaranteed AIDS free.

Are you going to choose the guy with the hats? Or woman who mixes up her P's and R's.

You know what to do. ;)


more cookies please?
And there you go Goateater. For I am very board


Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Miranda or Cluckyx...any chance you could make a sig image of T'Bonz being fucked by a coyote?


more cookies please?
Depends. Do you have a photo or digital representation of her?

And not that little pixelated av she has. That will look gayer than blazerboy in a pink dress eating candyfloss


I love you
CoyoteUgly said:
Miranda or Cluckyx...any chance you could make a sig image of T'Bonz being fucked by a coyote?
Who is T'Bonz?
and here is a cool sight you might like Coyote.
taurinfox artwork
I am trying to get one of these images to use as my avatar-
but if I can't figure it out I'll have Miranda make one for me-

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
As a matter of fact, yes I have. :D


wolverines ate my mother
in or out of his bucket?

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
In of course.