
I want to smell dark matter
Remember when AT LEAST the season openers and finales used to be good on Smallville? Well we don't even have that anymore.

After a season of build-up the Clark/Doomsday fight lasts about thirty seconds. Then Clark throws him into some EXPLODING THING and somehow doesn't die, but Doomsday does.

Jimmy dies for no reason other than that he just found out about Clark's powers. And Chloe suddenly loves him agian despite lying to him and running off with another man a few days after their wedding. THEN there's a previously unmentioned little brother who is apparently the "real" Jimmy.

And Lois is transported to the future for some reason, but no doubt she'll think it's all a dream like that time she went to the Phantom Zone.

And people keep mentioning "Kandor" out of nowhere.

Then Zod apears naked in Tess's garden somehow.



Pinata Whacker
Indeed. How'd Zod return anyway I wonder? Didn't he get killed by Clark or thrown in the Phantom Zone after possessing Lex and almost destroying the planet?


I want to smell dark matter
maybe it's fucking hitler


Boobie inspector
BTW I havent seen it yet, when naked Zod appears before Tess does he ask her to kneel before him?


I want to smell dark matter
No, he just appeaars and there's a "Z" sign written in flames and a voice says "Zod" or something.


Remember when AT LEAST the season openers and finales used to be good on Smallville? Well we don't even have that anymore.

After a season of build-up the Clark/Doomsday fight lasts about thirty seconds. Then Clark throws him into some EXPLODING THING and somehow doesn't die, but Doomsday does.

Jimmy dies for no reason other than that he just found out about Clark's powers. And Chloe suddenly loves him agian despite lying to him and running off with another man a few days after their wedding. THEN there's a previously unmentioned little brother who is apparently the "real" Jimmy.

And Lois is transported to the future for some reason, but no doubt she'll think it's all a dream like that time she went to the Phantom Zone.

And people keep mentioning "Kandor" out of nowhere.

Then Zod apears naked in Tess's garden somehow.


Sounds like a normal episode!


I want to smell dark matter
Clarke and Doomsday should have killed some kids by accident.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Are Chloe and Lois still fit as fuck?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Turns out, the last season I watched was season 5. Is it worth my time to "get" seasons 6-8 and watch 'em over the summer?


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Well alrighty-tighty then!!


Can I have Ops?
Does Clark and his Dad still talk at the end of the episode in the barn. Usually his dad is mending an engine or something and has oily hands. They make up in some kind of fashion and it cuts to Clarks dad offering an oily handshake, but clark looks at it, they both smile and instead they decide to hug.

Do they still do that? I do hope so.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
All I care about is that Zod will be played by Sam Witwer, so I will get to see his buff body again next season.

And Lois is looking fugly.


I want to smell dark matter
His dad died. He's usually talking to Chloe in the basement of the Daily Planet at the end and she offers him a STICKY BUN but he just laughs and kicks her in the nose.


Is this real life?
lol @ little Jimmy. Why didn't they introduce his twin "this is my twin Jim, you'll like him, but he can be a little icy at first" then kill of Jimmy Prime and have Jim II played by the original actor still.

Or they could've just given Jimmy concussion related amnesia like they do whenever anybody else sees Clarke use his powers.


I want to smell dark matter
It was funny how his little brother didn't go to his wedding.