
Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Ok so for some reason I was flipping around on Friday night, and they were showing the "previously, on Smallville" part, and it looks like there are a tone of DC Heroes popping up now, from Zatanna to Dr. Fate to J'onn J'onzz. Makes me wonder if it's worth catching up? The last episode I remember seeing, Lana was married to Lex in some dream thing or somehing. Don't even know what season that was.

Should I catch up? Durance and Mack look hot. How far behind am I??


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Hmmm...I've missed the last two episodes, and I have to didn't bother me.



I want to smell dark matter
Haven't watched this season. Can't imagine it's suddenly good though.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^Even with the addition of Oliver Queen, Black Canary, Zatanna, J'ohn J'ohnzz, and a bunch of others? Wow, if Wacky has given up on the show, it MUST be bad.

Does Lois know Clark is Superman yet? Does Chloe still remember?


I want to smell dark matter
I don't really know much about DC super heroes and the writing's shit, so what difference would a bunch of names make?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Chloe and Clark don't really have much screen time.


Boobie inspector
Zatanna was well hot.

I think they just did an episode in america with the justice league, no batman of course.


Pinata Whacker
^^Even with the addition of Oliver Queen, Black Canary, Zatanna, J'ohn J'ohnzz, and a bunch of others? Wow, if Wacky has given up on the show, it MUST be bad.

Does Lois know Clark is Superman yet? Does Chloe still remember?

1) No. And technically even Clark doesn't know he's Superman. He's still known as "The Blur" (Was the red-blue blur before he started wearing black)
2) Yes. Chloe remembers and still knows Clark's secret.


Pinata Whacker
Zatanna was well hot.

I think they just did an episode in america with the justice league, no batman of course.

They just did a 2 hour Smallville movie in america titled "Absolute Justice". It was Justice Society of America meets Justice League/Superfriends. It featured Green Arrow, Watchtower, Martian Manhunter, Dr. Fate, Hawkman, Star Girl, Sandman, Amanda Waller/Checkmate, Icicle.

Upcoming episode to feature Zatanna.


I want to smell dark matter
We need that as a smiley.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I don't get it...


I want to smell dark matter
I'm gonna stop you there.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Oh, Taylor Swift debacle, got it LOL she's tall and squinty


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
She's team Jacob.


Is this real life?
Smallville's still really shit but they just introduced [OBSCURE MARVEL CHARACTER]!! I can't afford to miss this!!


Is this real life?
lol, I knew I should've scrolled back up to check that first. :)

Same principle applies, though. They keep trying to lure people into watching the show by adding new characters for a few episodes, instead of developing the ones they already have.


I want to smell dark matter
Why do all DC characters have lame names like JUPITER WOMAN and THUNDER LAD anyway?