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So, about Wind Waker

I should be getting it this weekend. But can I hold off until I'm on vacation later next week to start it? PROBABLY NOT
They were sold out. I did get the memory card and controller. Making some phone calls to find it though. MY QUEST SHALL NOT END
I don't think I'm playing it right. There's too many islands and I think I should have more hearts. Don't get me wrong, it's a very fun game, but I feel like I should start over and not listen to the Red Lion and just float around at sea finding what's what.

According to one walkthrough (No I'm not cheating) I should have found Tingle's island already and have a nintendo membership? It seems to be a do your own thing kinda game.

Tons of fun though. I may start a new quest and see how it goes.
You really can't do things in the wrong order! You can discover lots of islands and shit, but the main quest is strictly in order. There are some heart pieces on Windfall Island, if you've been there and left already just go back. Have you done Dragon Roost Island yet? ALSO, don't forget to feed the fishes around all the islands, they will mark your map. You will get sick of the fish music, though.

@ Windfall Island
Play hide and seek with the Killer Bees. Look near the hippie guy, I think there's one somewhere near him. Get the pictograph, take a picture of the girl hanging out near the Killer Bees, and give it to the walking guy. There are more but I can't remember.

OH and if you find Tingle Isle there's a giant Octo somewhere near by who has a heart piece. Look for seagulls. I think the Octos are easiest to kill with the boomerang, don't know if you have that yet.
I'll have to get mine back out and start it up again. I tanked the wii when I got my Roku.
I just started the Tower of the Gods.

Loved Dragon Roost Island, especially the music, and yes Tingle has been freed from jail.

I didn't do any sidequests on Windfall, because I was focused on finding the sail, but I might go back and play with all of them.
Another Windfall heart piece... If you have the fire arrows change the direction of the wind (not sure which direction to change it to, maybe south?) then climb that ladder that's on the back of the lighthouse and step on the switch, THEN ride the ferris wheel and shoot a fire arrow into the thing to turn the lighthouse back on. This always IRRITATES ME because I can't aim for shit. But it is an easy heart piece if you are good with the bow and timing and all that stuff.

After the Tower of the Gods you're going to have to do a lot of running around the world anyway, so might as well go island hopping and pick up all the stuff you missed. Be sure to get all the islands that have fairy fountains! OH and hunt for the treasures on the maps you get, those have lots of hearts. AND be sure to fight the bomb boats and pick up the treasure they drop. NEVER PASS BY A SUBMARINE WITHOUT CHECKING IT OUT.

Now I want to play Wind Waker again.
Also there's the auction house in Windfall at night. And the rich girl who's in love with a moblin. And the battleships like game with the hilarious guy dressed as a pirate. And don't forget to go back to Outset Island and feed the pig so it grows giant. THIS GAME RULES BASICALLY.

That was a cool design, especially all the sages in the stained glass.

I'm back on Windfall Island now, running around and trying to find the pictobox but some rat dropped me in the ocean.

The Elvis-wanna-be kinda scares me. I remember on Outset island I thought the kid with the huge bubble of snot coming out of his nose freaked me out, but I forgot how terrifying 80s dance moves can be.

I haven't figured out how to get into the ferris wheel. :(
Go up the stairs where the battleship game is, I think? RIGHT WACKY? And then go outside, you'll find it.
Yes that's right.[/dr dave]

Play the song of time changing (I can't remember what it's called) for the disco guy (if you didn't already.)

Shoot the frog king in the cyclone with an arrow.

I've got both the Earth Temple and Wind Temple Songs. Heading to Dragon Roost (FUCK YEAH THE MUSIC) to play one of them for the adorable Medli.

Windfall Island is still a bit of a confuzzlement to me. I know I'm supposed to be doing waaaaay more than I should there.

Found Tingle Isle, what a sadistic bastard. Your namesake would be ashamed of you.