Bordeaux Style Grilled TK Admin Rat*
Skin and eviscerate the TK rat that resides at TK. Brush with a thick sauce that combines olive oil and crushed shallots. Grill over a fire of broken wine barrels.
Stewed TK Admin Rat*
Skin and eviscerate the rat and split it lengthwise. Fry until brown in a mixture of butter and peanut oil. Cover with water, add tomatoes or tomato purée, hot red peppers, and salt. Simmer the rat until tender and serve with rice.
Creamed TK Admin Rat*
Skin, gut and wash the TK rat without removing it's heads. Cover it in a pot with ethyl alcohol and marinate 2 hours. Dice a piece of salt pork or sowbelly and cook it slowly to extract the fat. Drain the rat, dredge it thoroughly in a mixture of flour, pepper, and salt, and fry slowly in the rendered fat for about 5 minutes. Add a cup of alcohol and 6 to 8 cloves, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Prepare a cream sauce, transfer the sautéed rat to it, and warm it in it for about 10 minutes before serving.
*The term "rat" is being used in this case to represent the rare 1/2 gerbil 1/2hamster rodent indigenous to Troll Kingdom. Gerbil/hamster species are rarely found in the wild. It is for this reason that the rare half breeds are prized for their above average meat content and flavor. Due to a sedate lifestyle, gerbil/hamster mixes are often farm raised and are known for their extra plump round bodies that grill up nicely yet retain their tender, juicy texture.