So Season 5 of Lost is done.


Boobie inspector
Of course Locke goes back to being crippled, but least that's a step up from dead.


Is this real life?
And Kate would be arrested and Aaron might not be with his mother. Which makes it kind of baffling that Kate flip flopped either.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Of course Locke goes back to being crippled, but least that's a step up from dead.

Maybe not for him. If I was his age (late 50's), no family, in a wheelchair, my "girlfriend" is a phone-sex operator, been screwed over by my dad, and I had memories of being healed and whole and with a profound destiny? I'd choose death.


Boobie inspector
Like I said before I think those touched by Jacob will remember what happened before if they do end up back on the plane, and I think Daniel and Desmond will too.


I want to smell dark matter
I bet the next season starts with something completely bizarre and seemingly unrelated.


I want to smell dark matter
It might actually start with one of those "character waking up doing regular things OH LOOK IT'S SOMEONE WE KNOW" scenes with Claire waking up in The Temple or something.


Is this real life?
Or a man we don't know looks like they're waking up at home but then it turns out they're in a Dharma station we've never seen before that's designed to test people's reaction to waking up in a Dharma station that they've never seen before. And then Wickety Candledrip says "hello... CHARLIE HUME!" WTF?!?!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
No, the whole first hour will be told from the perspective of the four-toed statue.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Only 17 more episodes and it's over FOREVER :rwmad:


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
OMG, what if not EVERYTHING makes sense at the end of the series, and not everything ties neatly together because it's a tv show run by humans who make mistakes and then will all the internerds be like "Lame, the ending sucked because blah, blah blah!"??



Touching the monolith
Staff member
No, I think even if some parts of the ending are lame we will still recognize that Lost was a great show and we enjoyed the majority of it, and that we're glad we got to see it. Same as with BSG, it didn't end perfectly but we were satisfied, and sad that it was over at the same time.

OH.. just caught the internerds bit. Of course there will be weeping and wailing from THEM.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
At this point, the entire 6th season could be a close-up on Juliet's bare bum and I'd consider it in the top-5 all-time shows.



Is this real life?
If it was a British show they all would have had an orgy by now.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Only in America is a bare bum "hardcore nudity" :rapture:

It's not. I was just asking politely for some. Truthfully, there's no such thing as "hard-core" nudity; in the U.S., "hard core" refers to actual intercourse, whether photographed or videotaped.


Staff member
It was VERY sweet WHEN jack Placed HIS hugley LONG arm around KATE!!He must HAVE arms as LONG as MR tickles!!