So tesco beefburgers are really horse meat

Don't they do that all the time anyway?

Whilst riding a push bike, wearing a beret, and having a necklace of onions?
There's a black market horse meat problem now (srsly). I have no idea why it's illegal here, or how it came to be illegal.
Ah HA! Okay, apparently it was made illegal because people's horses were being stolen and butchered. I can believe that, because someone in my family was constantly having his horses and goats stolen. He even found one of his miniature horses with its throat slashed, but I guess the people trying to steal it left in a hurry or something so didn't get to take it with them.

OF course that doesn't really explain why eating horse meat is illegal, when they could import the meat from a real butcher.
I wonder if Pepperoni will rethink their current "Its a bit of an animal" advertising campaign?
This warning is a bit late anyway, its like shutting the stable door after you have bolted the horse.
Stop horsing around and pulling my reins. I am the champion crap joker here. You are old news now, out to pasture.
Sounds like someone's got the bit between their teeth.

Watch out, or I might send you to the horsebital.

These burgers are fine as part of a stable diet.
Oy. Another topic I shouldn't of read.

Screw it. I'm taking my can of Unicorn meat and finding a quiet place to eat it. Alone!