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So, this hydrogen bomb is leaking radition, bury it, means


Boobie inspector
Put it in a cave surrounded by air, where the air is likely to leak back to the surface?

Oh yeah, cover it with a sheet, that'll stop the gamma waves.
Well he said it would be okay because he's from the future and the island is still there. But he did tell them to bury it under concrete rather than just have it lying about in an underground temple thing.

OF COURSE the plan to "destroy" the energy from the swan with the blast doesn't seem to make any sense because isn't there something called CONSERVATION OF ENERGY?

The H-bomb eventually gets rigged up as the "failsafe" device for the Swan --The key Desmond turns sets it off, somehow (according to Farraday) negating the energy build-up that would've destroyed the world 'cause Locke let the timer go past 108 seconds w/out pushing the button.

OF COURSE the plan to "destroy" the energy from the swan with the blast doesn't seem to make any sense because isn't there something called CONSERVATION OF ENERGY?

Didn't Michael Faraday make huge strides in truly understanding Conservation of Energy?

So it's probably a good bet that it's going to be a major factor of whatever happens in the show due to Daniels plan.
Funny how the guy from the future in enterprise was called Daniels, and the guy from the future in lost is called Daniel.
well tonight we're going to find out how the writers are going to make us pout for eight more months. i just want to end a season on some sort of conclusive note, not another fucking cliffhanger. just cause.

but, no need to watch it now, what with Achibald's prediction. that really does sound spot on, and there's no way they would let Jack's plan actually work and change everything back - the series would have to end there, and we know they have two more seasons planned.
The local TV critic (he writes a column in my paper) is all pissy about Lost, saying how horrible it is, and how it's so hard to follow. Here I was thinking this has been a great season for Lost! SILLY ME.
Yeah, me too! I think it has been almost as good as the first season. Some of the time stuff is confusing, but I don't find it necessary to follow every scientific thing about the show. Sometimes I just let stuff go, because overall the show is exciting and fun. Kinda like Star Trek.
It has been good, that critic is probably just pissed because you cant dip in and out of it and still expect to know whats going on.
This is the most I've enjoyed Lost since the beginning. In the past I've sometimes felt a bit indifferent as I often found the flashbacks a bit of a bore and the reveals never came fast enough for me, not to mention there was that whole period when I just wanted Jack to die, but this season's been really engrossing.