Troll Kingdom

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So, what is your main hobby?

I like to read wise words & think.

Here's a sample, especially for cody

Hypocrisy is your religion, and falsehood is your life, and nothingness is your ending.
Why, then, are you living?
Is not death the sole comfort of the miserable?
let's hope cody thinks on that....presuming he knows what 'think' is...

SuNnY! I've missed you and yur thang!

awww <3 missed ya back.
But if u didnt nuke ur TKR path, u wouldnt have the missing feeling, ay judas? ;)
He misses u 2...the whole board does...but anyways, i like throwing 'judas' on the end of things these days....makes me giggle some.
When entertainment is no longer entertaining, one must entertain themselves.
He misses u 2...the whole board does...but anyways, i like throwing 'judas' on the end of things these days....makes me giggle some.
When entertainment is no longer entertaining, one must entertain themselves.

Judas was working with jesus to accurately but fraudulently fulfill prophecy.

He was necessary to the operation.
Totally...he was blessed :D I like to think he's the biggest pwnage of history....

When u think about it, its kinda like what Jesus did....gave himself for the cause, uno..
but when u think about it further, evil is pretty adept at making itself appear good.

Too many trick questions, judas
- Practically anything to do with the sport of cricket (Yes, I know...)
- Football (Soccer to you heathens)
- Movies & TV / My beautiful BluRay player
- Hacking Fallout: New Vegas to high-heaven & back
- Football Manager 2011
- International Cricket Capital 2011
- Reading too much.
- Comics - really getting back into classic British strips - Dan Dare, Johnny Red, etc, as well as lots of 2000AD, Deaths Head, Dragon Claws, etc etc
- Organising my iTunes to the breaking point of OCD.
- Tenpin Bowling / Pool
- Drugging & Murdering hookers
- Fine tuning the C.R.M. 114
- Crochet
- Movies & TV / My beautiful BluRay player

what kind of nerd are u? blueray p.l.a.y.e.r? :confused:
There's a device called ps3 & this lovely little thing called 'media streaming'
U shuld get aquainted ;)
ooooh, bliss....not to mention the price of this glorious technology; what a fucking bargin.
Honestly, sony gained some respect back with this absolute gift
Totally...he was blessed :D I like to think he's the biggest pwnage of history....

When u think about it, its kinda like what Jesus did....gave himself for the cause, uno..
but when u think about it further, evil is pretty adept at making itself appear good.

Too many trick questions, Judas

It would be nice if it was that altruistic. Jesus used his extensive knowledge of scripture to act out the prophecy of the messiah using and probably at the behest of wealthy Jews (Joseph of Arimathea) to get the job done. Most likely to strengthen Jewish resolve to throw off the Roman yoke. A scripturally supported 'spiritual' rallying point if you will.

You know that vinegar concoction makes you appear dead right?
how does that theory work when he was hated, despised & none found anything to like about described.
Liek....nazareth was the scum ass city...still is, its equivilent of some long haired hobo crawling out of a NYC subway tunnel home & trying to convince pple he isnt blazed & crazy.

I mean, I could understand if he was as popular then as he is in a roman popal tea party, but uno....that didnt happen for a while after he was hung by his sinews
It's all about prophecy and the apparent fulfilment. I'm not saying it worked. I'm just say it was the plan.

"Yet on himself he bore our sufferings, our torments he endured, while we counted him smitten by God, struck down by disease and misery; but he was pierced through for our transgressions, tortured for our iniquities; the chastisement he bore is health for us and by his scourging we are healed. We had all strayed like sheep, each of us had gone his own way; but the LORD laid upon him the guilt of us all... With protection, without justice, he was taken away; and who gave a thought for his fate, how he was cut off from the world of living men, stricken to the death for my people's transgression?" Isaiah 53:4-8.

Do you think Jesus was familiar with Isaiah?

How about Psalms. 69:21... "They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
It would be nice if it was that altruistic. Jesus used his extensive knowledge of scripture to act out the prophecy of the messiah using and probably at the behest of wealthy Jews (Joseph of Arimathea) to get the job done. Most likely to strengthen Jewish resolve to throw off the Roman yoke. A scripturally supported 'spiritual' rallying point if you will.

You know that vinegar concoction makes you appear dead right?

That ignores the Hannukah fable, which cannot be ignored. Part of the fabric.