So.. what were you all expecting from Santa this year???


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Apparently he has many clones. Seeing that I THE GODDAMN BATMAN can't kill all of them in time, I can only expect that some of them will get through :mmph:

So what type of Gifts are you expecting from him this year??


My Stars!



Keeper of the Nether Eye
Whatever it is he decides to bring me I hope it's not delivered like this . . .



Pinata Whacker
Apparently he has many clones. Seeing that I THE GODDAMN BATMAN can't kill all of them in time, I can only expect that some of them will get through :mmph:

So what type of Gifts are you expecting from him this year??

Mrs. Claus.

*stuffs the body in the footlocker, finishes applying the make-up, dons a wig*

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Apparently he has many clones. Seeing that I THE GODDAMN BATMAN can't kill all of them in time, I can only expect that some of them will get through :mmph:

So what type of Gifts are you expecting from him this year??

A lump of coal shoved up Blackfoot's ass.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Ohhh.. Lookie what I got :)

A Battery Operated Battery Charger

A Solar Powered Flashlight

A Can of Dehydrated Water



Forever Empress E
I'm expecting to get a large credit card bill from Santa. It hasn't arrived yet.

But, I did get to have the best day with family yesterday and made some people very happy. And, today I get to have an awesome day with friends and be part of more happiness.

Plus, I got a huge gift certificate to a place where there is this thing I've been wanting to buy for myself but it is a little pricey and I wouldn't buy that kind of thing for myself at that price because in some ways I'm extravagant and in others I'm a cheapskate. Anyway, now that thing is a lot less pricey thanks to the gift certificate so I'm going to order it today and it will be in my house by this weekend. *huge smile*

So, I got everything from Santa I wanted and know that there is more on the way. Woo Hoo!

Peace, joy, and much happiness to you too.


Pinata Whacker
Didn't get everything I wanted from Santa(just a new shirt and some homemade fudge and peppermint), but I have my family and thats enough to make me happy.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
Okay, this is kind of belated. After watching The Christmas Story for the first time this year, as well as all the Star Wars films for the first time, this would have been a pretty cool gift:


(minus the bearded human, of course)