My previous title sucked.
Damn, I was going for the 3000th post! Sonuvabitch!
jack seems very eager to see Conchaga.
jack seems very eager to see Conchaga.
I was referring to my post.
Your existance is useless.
Well, I was enjoying the playing with friends. But, I need to move on to other things. Conchaga, if you want me to see you naked, you'll just have to send me a picture. Or, if you have something else you wish to expose about yourself, send it via PM. I promise I will not share either with anyone else unless it is really funny. If it is really funny, then I might share it with some friends who might share it with some other friends. But, I promise that even if I share it with some friends because I think it is funny, I won't share it with anyone I know on TK or anywhere else on the internet.
Perhaps I can take over for you.
Perhaps I can take over for you.