StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,210 but i have witnessed really smart movies to get fooled by commercial stuff
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,211 quality of thinking is not as dependant of intelligence
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,213 certain good thoughts are good because of the knowledge in that area
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,214 knowledge is largely dependant on intelligence
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,215 though sometimes smart people often know less than much stupider people about certain things
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,218 ignorant people are hardly (if ever) repairable
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,219 if you try to explain them why are they so wrong
StringTheorist My previous title sucked. Jul 30, 2010 #3,220 they won't keep track of your thoughts and understand you