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Spot The Human

At least it doesn't walk yet; no mention of it talking, either. According to the article (click the picture, it's a link) "she" just sits on top of an air compressor disguised as... I dunno what it's supposed to be disguised as... which powers the 70-odd servos in "her" upper body. It can sense and respond to human touch, as it's doing in the picture, with completely realistic human movements. I also looked up the site for the lab where it was developed, and think it's safe to assume (though I don't recall whether or not the article specifies) that it can see and recognize just about everything in its environment, and pays close attention to humans around it.

Yeah. Sling a couple of miniguns under its arms, and it's good to go! :D
^^It never really occurred to me to wonder, until you brought it up. But no, I can't see any reason why they'd give it one, since they're going for function as well as form with this thing, and all its motors are in its upper body.

They come out with one that can walk, and yeah, they'll probably give it a robo-squeezin' cyber-twat, too. Shit, in 20 to 30 years, they'll have one that'll play chess, do your laundry, do your dishes, cook you dinner and fuck ya ragged -- and nary a bitch about anniversaries or what the relatives think of your job to be heard. Hey, ya think maybe once that kind of competition comes into the picture that women would play hardball instead of playin' hard to get? Nah, I don't think so, either. lol
That's because they'll have their own mega-moto-male versions that'll put our insensitive shit to dust and come with a telescoping, detachable robo-cock ribbed for her pleasure. He'll do the ironing, the dishes, leave the toilet seat down, and rock her world like the amped-up spin cycle on a washing machine.
From the silicon complexion? That's what tipped me off, although the photo does give the sense of immediacy that you'd get if a guy had walked up and put his hand on a human woman's shoulder that way.
Kerb Crawler said:
That's because they'll have their own mega-moto-male versions that'll put our insensitive shit to dust and come with a telescoping, detachable robo-cock ribbed for her pleasure. He'll do the ironing, the dishes, leave the toilet seat down, and rock her world like the amped-up spin cycle on a washing machine.

Of course, if they can manage to come up with passable AI for these things, then you'll have a whole new can of worms with civil unions.

"Lenore wrote her own vows. I cried... like a baby. Like a hungry, angry baby."
Nah. The government would just consider it as an appliance or a tool, or at it's most generous - a pet.
What about artificial insemination via one of these things? Single guy or gal wants to be a parent and raise a family, well, just toss eBob or eBetty the keys to the car, send it down to the jizz bank, then play a little dodgy-sausage when it gets home. Nine months later, Ding! and here comes a little brat-ling, like a Pop-Tart out of a betitted toaster.
The real problem would be when eBob wants custody of the brat-ling after the mother's found tit's up, "accidentally" electrocuted in the tub.
Well, there's an interesting point to ponder -- would the machine be considered the child's parent? In the case of a "male" machine, I kinda doubt it, but where it gets interesting is in the case of a "female" machine which could in theory not only look and act like a human mother, but which (also in theory) could carry the child to term and then give birth.
Religious groups and the government would never allow it. At least not for a loooooong time. However, Mad Scientists will make it happen. Then, you're gonna see some serious shit.

Mary Shelley was a fucking prophet.
Yeah, well augmentation via silicon mod will be a lot more standard and safe on your robo-rotic sexbot/significant other than on your standard carbon-based flesh and blood fuck machine.
^^I was thinking AI modification, myself. Hell, yes. Tune the bitch up with all sorts of nefarious techniques -- pickpocketing, lockpicking, have it playing the markets, let it chauffer you around and set it to show skin and cry a little if it gets you pulled over. Hell, yeah.

And you should be able to choose different bodmods patterned after celebrities (dead or live), old flames, the girl-next-door, power-lifting goat farmers from Bavaria or whatever your fantasy might yield.

Of course, there'd be licensing fees. And you'd have to plug it in at night to recharge... and there'd probably be a monthly service bill, and taxes, and on and on and on ad nauseum.
I dunno -- you know, if you can power a car with a fuel cell, you could probably eventually get the things small enough to fit into a human (sized) torso. Give it a kinetic recharge system (maybe a more efficient version of what Seiko uses in some of its watches) and you could probably go for a good long while before refueling your soul mate at the local hydro station. :P