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Star Trek 12 news/countdown thread

The MSD/MDB (master situation display, or master display board) had a few 20th century items dotted about on it, including a duck and a Porsche.

Also, this entire shot is CGI and made by the legend that is Tobias Richter (he previously made a model of the new Enterprise and knocked out some images that looked nicer than ILM's).

Is that really from the new version? The neck does look very weird... like it has 10 times too many windows. And I don't know why they'd change the beam so it comes from the phasers instead of the secondary deflector array (yes, I'm aware how this sounds), when either option serves just fine as a method of energy transfer. The deflector basically sends out a beam of invisible energy at all times anyway.
Looks like they have gone for a much more realistic style of lighting.

If they go down that route though they will pretty much have to replace every model shot in the entire 7 years.
The thing about the CG battle scenes is that they would've been rendered in standard definition and the original files would most likely have been lost by now (Paramount had whole warehouses full of the props going all the way back to TOS, but when it came to the digital assets they were very careless). So they'd either be shown in standard def but upscaled (they're doing that with 3 seconds of footage they couldn't find from Sins of the Father), or they'll remake them entirely.

The upshot of remaking the battles is that they'd look at least as good as this trailer, again made by Tobias Richter.

Well they didn't bother redoing or upcaling the CGI for The Motion Picture when they put it on blu, they just released the theatrical edition instead.

On the Firefly blu-rays they just upscaled the 480p CGI, with mixed results from what I've heard.
Same here. Although more unusual is that I'm looking forward to watching Encounter at Farpoint. I think I've only seen it twice, and the second time confirmed that it was awful. It'll be interesting to see how much of that is down to the picture quality, and how much is down to Troi sensing SO MUCH EMOTION.
I don't like the improved transporter beam, it's too hot.

I've had to endlessly adjust my LCD TV controls since I got HD cable, because people no longer follow any rules of acceptable brightness/contrast when producing in HD. Just because you CAN blind me with white-hot flashes and dark objects on a binding white background, doesn't mean you should. Also, HD doesn't mean it's suddenly OK turn up the color saturation to max. Imagine if HD was around in the 80s with all those pastels -- WE'D ALL BE DEAD.