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Star Trek Discovery

My angle is this: you have to give me a reason to care about the characters, or at least some of them. This bunch: the only one that had a real story line was Michael, and her mutiny didn't exactly inspire me. Say hello to Klingons by shooting at them? You believe in this so much that you assault your CO and take control of the ship knowing the bridge crew aren't going to follow you?

Christ, it's like a 14 year old wrote this shit.
And here's the thing: The Vulcans are sort of one of THE founding members of the Federation -- so how is it that ONLY one officer knows this little tid-bit about how to deal with the fish-heads? How is Captain George-whatever not in the loop on this, and why does it even take a mutiny?

Captain Dim Sum shouldn't need convincing to use this technique if it's a by-then tried-and-true deal. I mean, even if the Vulcans hadn't told anybody, shouldn't the humans have taken note of it on their own? "Okay, the Vulcans are mostly pacifist, but when these calamari-headed mumblers make an appearance, even the Vulcans go batshit and shoot at every stray particle anywhere near these assholes. Y'know, let's do as the Romans do, here."

This is just some seriously lazy shit made for seriously lazy viewers.
Apparently they spent years developing this and delayed the premiere for about nine months in order to get it right, and this is what they came up with? I mean, really. So, SO bad.

Every time those barking Klingon vampires came on screen it took me right out of the story. I get they wanted to redesign them for some reason, but for Christ's sake, they could have come up with some makeup and costuming that didn't make them look like they'd break in half if they managed to move. And



Jesus. Their ships suck, too. I feel sorry for the actors who have to try to talk through those teeth.

It's like whoever wrote this dreck had a checklist to go through through to cover all the bases for old school fans, too. Little Easter Egg things, like the bridge sounds, Sarek (why is he even there, anyway?), Donatu V, a captain who kind of acts like a proto-Picard right down to getting jabbed through the heart. There are probably more I didn't notice because I got distracted by the subtitled barking Klingons.

I could go on and on and on and on, but instead I think this sums it up succinctly.

I get they wanted to redesign them for some reason

There really was no reason except one:

Discovery is being produced on Bad Robot's "alternate Star Trek" license. They literally, legally cannot produce "prime timeline" Star Trek. No fooling, they are legally not licensed to use prime timeline visuals, just the names of Star Trek stuff.
There really was no reason except one:

Discovery is being produced on Bad Robot's "alternate Star Trek" license. They literally, legally cannot produce "prime timeline" Star Trek. No fooling, they are legally not licensed to use prime timeline visuals, just the names of Star Trek stuff.

Where did you hear that? That's interesting.

This also, by the way, puts to bed the lie that the JJVerse wasn't going to put an end to the "prime" timeline. That's exactly what Paramount and J.J. Abrams -- and now Les Moonves -- intended (and still intend, on Moonves' part) to do.
This was a good episode of the reboot of the rebooted Battlestar Galactica.

I seemed to spot several original series locations in the scene with the magic spore things.

I'm going to declare that like Cadet Tilly before people come to say they hate her.
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It's weird how everyone in Starfleet is an asshole now. People took the "GENE'S VISION" of a perfect utopia where there are no interpersonal conflicts too far at times but this feels like the deliberate opposite, where everyone seems to hate each other for no reason other than to create drama. It's weird.

This was an OK episode I guess. They went on a spooky space ship that uses the same sets they already had and found a spooky thing. Like Empok Nor but without Garak so therefore worse.

Is there a reason why this had to be set pre-TOS? Like, is there anything in this show that meant it couldn't actually have just been set some time after Nemesis?
It was an ok episode, but I much preferred the first two. They felt a lot more like Trek. Captain Jason Isaacs has the whiff of a nazi doctor. Or the captain of the Equinox at least (Ransom, I think his name was). They should’ve kept Captain Michelle Yeoh instead.

I guess it’s diffivult to fully judge events since it’s a continuing story and we don’t really know what’s going on yet, but it seemed like a lot of glitz without much substance.
At first I thought Tilly was weird, but now I think she is sweet. lol

I liked this one more than the first two.

Are they Section 31, like from DS9?
Feels like section 31 to me. I liked two things about this episode, the colourful shuttles and the autistic girl.
It feels less and less like any kind of Star Trek the longer it goes on, and it is definitely not "prime timeline" Star Trek.

Some WF Minge said:
Yes. It's the Primeverse.

The creators have declared it so, so it is.

And it's obviously visually not, so fuck their declarations, it clearly isn't, any more than an Edsel is a fucking Ferrari just because the lemon pusher at the used car lot says it's one.

Some people are so eager for Star Trek that they'll deliberately, even aggressively play along with being lied to. I don't get those people.