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Star Trek: Lower Deck on CBS All Access

JJTrek, and now KurtzmanTrek, are utter garbage. And there are two kinds of people who think it's Just Fine -- people who are so starved for Trek that they'll eat up anything with the name on it, regardless of quality, and people who have no idea that it was ever any better than the current crop of rancid feces they're being served.
By the way, yes, I've seen it. My criticism isn't based on the fact that it isn't Roddenberry Trek, or even Berman & Braga Trek. It's not Star Trek at all, beyond using window dressing. Anybody remember how hard a certain little miscreant Ferengi had to bust his midget ass just to get into the Academy?

Contrast that with a spastic bitch who gets drunk and runs around playing with edged weapons, or sits inside a shuttlecraft playing with the blast shields like a fucking toddler.

You can't even call this shit parody. Parody has some love to it. Lower Decks is fucking spiteful and mean-spirited. The fact that some of you are even willing to entertain that it's Star Trek is profoundly fucking pathetic. Rent some fucking standards.
I stuck through this entire season because I hate myself but yeah actually episode 9 was pretty good and episode 10 was just good.
Lighten up Francis.

In the words of Captain America: "No... I don't think I will."

Maybe if this by-turns insipid and spastic fucking schlock was being disseminated to people For Free -- maybe -- but this shit is being sold. For money. As Star Trek. And it clearly fucking isn't. So clearly that it's hard to see such as failure as much as it is refusal.

The people behind Lower Decks aren't coming up short of producing Star Trek. They're not even fucking trying. And the fact that they're asking people to pay to watch that clusterfuck is tantamount to fraud.

Star Trek does not consist of goofy-ass immature unqualified cunts Like I said, we've seen Ensigns before. The "Lower Decks" characters make fucking Barclay -- at his rock bottom worst -- look like Carl fucking Sagan. Tell me you'd even go to a fucking McDonald's where all the employees act like that gaggle of fucking clowns.
I don't have to like every episode of every series of star trek, but I don't feel the need to attack people whose opinions on a TV show are different.

If we stuck to a very narrow rigid definition of what star trek is we would never have got DS9.
Oh, I agree, there is such a thing as defining it too narrowly -- and then, on the other hand, there's practically not defining it at all. Just slapping the name and some superficial window dressing on it doesn't make it Star Trek.

What's next, we slap a Starfleet uniform on Ash Williams and we've got Star Trek: Evil Dead? Is that cool?
The only direct comparison with this show is the TNG episode the lower decks, did those characters act like the bridge crew?

All through TOS and TNG we see random red shirts die, because they do stupid shit, yet you are acting like this is literally the first time you have seen anyone in star trek do something stupid, reckless and potentially dangerous.

You don't like it, that's fine, that is your right, but don't tell me I'm stupid or not a star trek fan for enjoying it, chances are I was enjoying star trek from before you were born.
The only direct comparison with this show is the TNG episode the lower decks, did those characters act like the bridge crew?

Of course not. They acted like people who Weren't There Yet -- but they didn't act like spastic teenagers, either. They weren't chasing each other around the corridors with klingon swords or just fucking around with the panels like bored children.

The difference between... well, actual Star Trek and Lowered Expectations -- sorry, Lower Decks -- is that while, yes, noncoms and ensigns make mistakes, they're professionals thrown outside their training and making mistakes.

In Lower Decks, we're shown adults acting like children. It's infantilism, and it's not merely suspension-of-disbelief breaking, it is so profoundly that that it's disrespectful to the viewer.

And I very much doubt that you've enjoyed Star Trek for any length of time if you'll eat this turd sandwich and smile. The show is an insult. And there are way too many fuckers acting like simps over it. "Yaaaay, it'th great!" No, dude. Those fuckers are giving you the middle digit, right to your fuckin' face, on purpose, and you deserve it for taking it.
I get the idea of infusing comedy into Star Trek. But there's a way to do it so that it works, and then there's Lower Decks.

But you know who did it and made it work? Seth McFarlane. You want Star Trek plus comedy? Then you want The Orville.

Because that's basically how it is, for now. The Orville is Star Trek. Star Trek... isn't. And on the one hand, that's deeply, profoundly sad. Star Trek isn't Star Trek anymore. You've got Discovery, which is trying real hard to be NuBSG. You've got Picard, which is basically a whole series with Patrick Stewart playing the Logan version of Professor X playing Jean-Luc Picard, and then you've got Lower Decks, which is the TNG episode "The Lower Decks" except populated by a "woke" brew of Diverse Female, Put-Upon Male, and shot through with "Height Of A Meth Binge Fuckin' Spastic."

And none of that is accidental. These are people who were smart enough to get put into positions with a major corporation to produce this shit. And shit is what they're producing. But they didn't get where they are by being stupid, so they're not pushing this shit accidentally. It's on purpose. They're insulting you on purpose. And you don't even see that that's what they're doing. Joke's on you, I guess.
Ok, I know most of you gave up on this, but do yourself a favour and watch episode 10.
I stuck through this entire season because I hate myself but yeah actually episode 9 was pretty good and episode 10 was just good.
I'll watch episodes 9 and 10 thank you for the recs

I gave up after four episodes (I think I started watching the fifth then just couldn't face it so stopped) but I guess I could try episodes 9 and 10 due to positive reactions.
Episode 9 - I thought it was pretty good. It made clever use of the holodeck to make fun of the movies. The TMP fly-by joke was actually good and they didn't go "SEE THAT WAS A TMP REFERENCE" after which is appreciated. What was best was that it actually had a semi-serious plot about Beckett and her mother and managed to tell it in a comedic way without turning the important parts into a joke. That's what I thought the earlier episodes lacked. Still didn't actually laugh much but it was more fun than the earlier episodes.

Episode 10 - Yeah this was definitely the best of the episodes I watched. It had a plot that could actually work on a regular Star Trek, there were actual consequences (people died!) and character development and it managed to be fairly funny and have good action along the way. I wonder if it was written after Riker's Picard appearance because having him actually do stuff in the Titan felt like an apology for the Picard scene where he just showed up with a bunch of copy and pasted ugly ships and did nothing.

So yeah I guess I have to watch season two untless it regresses to early season quality.
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