This episode bothered me in a number of places. The editing was off and I found a number of scenes rather contrived. The whole "more secret than the Tal Shiar" thing felt like Section 31 for the Romulans even though that doesn't make much sense at all. Their unexplained hatred of Synths felt weird and more convenient to the plot than anything. I'm sure this will be expanded and explained in greater detail but it landed flat for me.
Enough. With. The. Lens. Flares.
I also find it very strange that they would have "primitive" Soong-type androids doing manual labour. I thought we've been through this in Measure of a Man and hell, Quality of Life as well. Exocomps anybody? It did not seem congruent with the Federation at all in this time to use this type of labour.
As for Measure of a Man, it seems more and more likely Maddox will be back now.
Asshole Admiral time. Eh. OK. If you must. I guess Picard would be quite a divisive figure at this point though.
So we have a Vulcan (Romulan?) Commodore that is rogue and causing all kinds of mischief. Starfleet infiltrated again at some of the most senior positions. I did like that it at least explained why there wasn't an immediate Starfleet response to there being a giant explosion and attack right in the middle of their HQ. It was clearly covered up from the inside. I'm glad they addressed this.
I don't know. The bad guys feel a bit moustache twirly so far, but it's still early.
Another thing I'm not a huge fan of is how it feels a lot more contemporary. From the sets (I know you can't get away with as much on sound stages anymore) to the Romulans feeling too human (Narek), etc. I liked the Romulan doing the safety speech on the cube way more. He FELT Romulan.
Why are there so many different species working on the cube under the Romulans? Their expertise? Not very Romulan like to work so closely on top-secret research with others but I'm confident this will be explained much better.
I am trying to remember that this is not the Federation of the TNG era. The Dominion war, the Borg attack, the Romulan crisis, attack on Mars etc and that it is more unstable and jumpy than ever before as a result. It's just taking some time to get used to.
That seems like a lot of complaining but it's only because I want this show to be the best it can possibly be. I still enjoyed it and can't wait for next week. Patrick was great again and I like Laris and Zhaban and I'm still well on board for this adventure. I'm sure that they will find their groove as the series goes on. I'll probably watch this episode again and see if it sits a bit better on the second viewing.
The Isacc Asimov easter egg was nice as was this:
![star.trek.picard.s01e02.720p.webrip.x264-tbs[eztv].mkv_snapshot_25.36.334.jpg star.trek.picard.s01e02.720p.webrip.x264-tbs[eztv].mkv_snapshot_25.36.334.jpg](