Star Trek vs. Battlestar Galactica

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
As I mentioned in that thread. Vipers are not of much consequence. The targeting systems on Trek ships are far too accurate.



Elder Statesman
Agreed, "fighters" don't see to be a viable threat in the Trek universe, it's all "Capitol" ships (or at least something that can carry a decent shield). Seems like a runabout size ship's bout the smallest viable combat unit.

Any remember the "cutting beam" style weapon in Babylon 5? I can imagine a phaser will do the same thing to an un-shielded ship.

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
Nerd mode: Engage

Trek vs. Wars: Trek wins by a landslide.

Trek vs. BSG: Trek wins again. Shields. A viper (or anything for that matter) wouldn't be able to "jump" inside the shields - even if the shields WERE just a bubble, a jump is just a faster-than-light movement. Meaning they wouldn't "jump" into the shields, they'd "slam" into the shields. At lightspeed. It'd leave an awful stain, I'm sure. Not sure if the type of weaponry BSG uses (aside from the nukes) was ever specified in the show, but it's documented Trek lore that lasers are way out of date by the TNG era, obviously by the TOS era as well as phasers are the weapon of choice. They're known to be insanely powerful in comparison to lasers. Lasers. The Star Wars weapon (this is why Star Wars loses without question - no weapons able to penetrate Trek shields). And if BSG uses plasma weapons...that'd presumably put their weapons on par with Klingon weaponry. Without the shielding when trading blows, puts them at a serious disadvantage. Keep in mind that regardless of the Trek faction BSG were to go up against, they're just a handful of ships (with only the Galactica being built specifically for war) struggling through space, fighting their lone enemy the Cylons. They'd be going up against an armada that have spent years developing and adapting to things like the Borg (fuck it if they show up to the fight), Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, Jem'Hadar, Cardassians, Tholians (remember them?) etc. So on top of the technology handicap, they'd be at a HUGE tactical disadvantage not having other enemies to learn from or time or resources to develop countermeasures. BSG would be fucked in short order, as would Star Wars.

Nerd mode: Disengage


Holy Roman Emperor
Depends which BSG. Old - Laser weapons. New- Artillery cannons.

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
Depends which BSG. Old - Laser weapons. New- Artillery cannons.

Artillery solid projectiles? Mortars and bullets and shit? They'd stand less of a chance than the old BSG - the deflector dish on Federation ships is there to sweep solid debris out of the ship's path...any bullets that got past that would just vaporize on the shields.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Artillery solid projectiles? Mortars and bullets and shit? They'd stand less of a chance than the old BSG - the deflector dish on Federation ships is there to sweep solid debris out of the ship's path...any bullets that got past that would just vaporize on the shields.

Why have you not yet joined ASVS? You'd fit in nicely. :bigass: