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Star Wars: Rebels

Poor Hera. Guess it isn't really a surprise that Kanan died but it was a well done death scene.

The fight with the cloaked Warwick was good.

I wish Ezra's voice actor was better so I'd actually care about his grief.
Yeah if they had to write Kanan out (which they pretty much had to) that was a really good way to do it. I liked that they didn't leave it until the end of the series, both so that it means we actually get time with the other characters as they react to his death and also because it means I now have even less of an idea of what will happen in the finale.

I liked dugged Hera. Sabine is great always.

The Rebels Recon features emotions and good t-shirts.
AHSOKA LIVES. Again. I like her.

It was great that they got Iain McDiarmid voicing Palpatine and acting with Malcolm McDowell who was voicing Snoke!

I hope someone makes a list of all the audio clips that played when Ezra was walking around the time tunnel because there was a lot of them.

The music was really good in both episodes, especially in the wolf riding scene in the first part.

I liked Sabine's art knowledge being useful.
YEAH THAT WAS GREAT. I like it when Star Wars gets weird and that was some weird ass Star Wars.

ALSO AHSOKA'S BACK and she's the best so that's very good indeed.

There's a lot of interesting stuff said in the SECOND-TO-LAST Rebel's Recon ever!"
WELL IT'S OVER THEN. It was a good finale (or final two episodes but one of them was double length...whatever.) I've made NO SECRET of the fact that I've never found Ezra all that compelling of a lead character. In the early seasons that was partly down to writing, but this season they've done a much better job with him. This episode especially worked realy well as an end(?) to his character. I still say his voice actor was the weakest of the main cast (compare to the emotion Tiya Sircar conveyed in Sabine's final narration, I don't think the Ezra actor could have pulled something like that off) but whatever, that's just my perference and I he wasn't actively bad or anything. The scene with Palpatine was great (and again great to have McDiarmid.)

It was weird that they didn't kill off more of the recurring good guys. Just Gregor. Possibly to leave the door open for the others to appear in spin-off media (I can see them doing a Rex comic or something) or maybe they just wanted a very happy ending. But they could have killed the guy with the horns at least.

So this certainly seemed like a major victory for the Rebellion (contradicting the opening scroll of Star Wars) but I guess you can get around that by saying they weren't technically a part of the Rebel Alliance so it doesn't count.

Ahsoka is literally Gandalf now? Was she stuck on that plaent for the whole of the original trilogy and only got off after Jedi? That's a bit of a cop-out, maybe. But I guess they could show what she got up to in flashbacks in the Ahsoka/Sabine animated show (or live action movie?!) Because that's totally going to happen, right?

Zeb and Kallus are gay now right.

Hera's cute little son! But I wish he had ear cones.

I liked Pryce's death. No closure for Thrawn so that again makes me think they've got plans for him. Mabye that's a faul with the finale? That the Ezra/Thrawn stuff doesn't feel very final?

Where was the Alan Rickman droid? I mean they had literally everyone else in it.

I liked bringing in all the side characters together for the final few episodes as it was a great way to tie the whole series together, although it did highlight some weird issues like where AP-5 was or the fact that we hadn't actually seen Ketsu for like two years. BUT IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO SEE THE CLONES AGAIN.

They did use a lot of technicalities so they could do what they want and technically it doesn't contradict anything - they go out of their way to say that they're not working for the Rebellion when freeing Lothal, so that technically doesn't stop the opening crawl from Star Wars from being wrong and Ahsoka isn't a proper Jedi and Ezra's MIA so that technically doesn't make Yoda wrong in Return of the Jedi. They're stretches but whatever, I'll go with it.

IT WAS REALLY GOOD TO SEE NICE MAN PALPATINE AGAIN. I had forgotten how much I'd missed Ian McDiarmin's nice voice.

It was cool that Kanan and Hera canonically fucked, that Zeb and Kallus are close friends now and that Hondo is in love with an Ugnaught.

It was sad that Gregor died. I could have maybe been okay with a few more deaths TBA (especially Mart Mattin fuck you Mart Mattin) but whatever I get that they didn't want the finale to be too dark.

I'm fine with Ezra and Thrawn going off into who knows where because it's a nice way to get them out of the way but still allows Ezra to come back and become Snoke.

MAYBE having Ahsoka hanging out on Malachor for the entirety of the OT is a stretch but I DON'T CARE because I am 10000% don for Ahsoka The White..

But man, y'know what? This series ended with Ahsoka Tano and Sabine going off and having cool adventures with each other and that's basically literally the best way the show could have ended and I want a whole show about that please Dave Filoni please.
