State Vs. Federal authority (A Libertarian-ish view)


Elder Statesman
Per my comment Here, I am firmly of the belief that when a Democracy becomes too large, it breaks down.

In the original founding of the country, the Articles of Confederation kept the Federal Government at a minimum size, even stripping it of an armed forces (save for the Revenue Marine, one of the precursors to the Coast Guard).

The wisdom of this very early form of the US Constitution was that the states were the primary governing body, not the Federal government. It proved to be too weak to work, but the idea was good. Keep government "local", keep the laws relevant to the local economy and values of the constituents, and make the Federal Authority something that couldn't ruin your life.

I wish we could go back to that. Look at the pot and euthanasia laws being passed by various state governments and that are being stonewalled by special interests within the beltway. Look at Arizona's immigration law, Gay marriage, etc. If you want to be tough on illegals, make it a local issue. If the general moral/social culture of an area is ok with gay marriage, let 'em recognize it!

Even California is too big (population/economic/territory) wise to govern effectively, evidence the inability for the state to pass a budget on time. Of course, the State of Jefferson would help solve that (you can give Puetro Rico statehood to even things out in the Senate, or cut New York into two pieces).

Make the elections relevant to local interests again, not a media circus. It would even make the elections cheaper, as the media costs would go down and that might loosen some of the special interest influence and money.

Kinda makes you think, don't it?



Elder Statesman
My arguments are so awesome that none dare oppose me!


I piss on all of you.


RIP 1970~2018
Even California is too big (population/economic/territory) wise to govern effectively, evidence the inability for the state to pass a budget on time.

The solution, here at least, is simple. You want to see shit get done in Ca. (I do. I live there).

Easy - Budget=Paycheck

Same simple solution for my fucking suckass San Diego sports teams BTW.

Performance equals pay.

Just exactly like all the rest of us.


Elder Statesman
Do you really think that a legislator-level politician gets the majority of their pay from their SALARY?!!?!

No, they get it from "consulting", speaking engagements, and other 'fact finding' type side-jobs. Any government salary is chump-change to them. It's the position and the power, not the cash from the taxpayer that's the allure.

We need a bigger stick than that. Or we need a different mind-set (like the concept of "Public Service" rather than personal power/benefit) in our legislators. One way is to make the "pieces" smaller so that that legislator has to look their constituents in the eye, because there are not so many of them.

The other idea is that of a "professional" government. IN a way Monarchies were like this, the children were raised (in theory) to know what the responsibilities of governing were. A City Manager type position might be similar, with a professional governor who is elected/appointed on MERIT and forbidden from doing a second job (and yes, you pay 'em well because it's a tough job, you just don't let them have other sources of income).