Stolen 2004 election

It is now beyond dispute, I want the Democrats to run on this for 2006.

This is amazing to me, I love it. Saying Bush stole the 2000 election really helped the Democrats clean up in 2002, right? And saying Bush lied to get us into Iraq won the Democrats the 2004, too. Now the Democrats, the greatest political geniuses ever seen in the history of civilization, are going to run on both of those "platforms" for the 2006 election!!!! :P

Leave it to the Democrats to seize defeat from the jaws of victory, like they always do.

You realy want to beat this dead horse some more? John kerry himself admitted defeat.
Messenger said:
That doesn't absolve Bush of the fraud he committed.

LOL, ok man, load up a big fat green bong hit for me too. The whole democratic party rolled over for bush, sure they did. :roll:
bad dog said:
LOL, ok man, load up a big fat green bong hit for me too.
So is that all you have to add? I guess this is the post where I ask you how you can come to the conclusion that Kerry admitting defeat when the scandal was just starting to come apart at the seems, and then you post why you think it absolves Bush, instead of you simply stating your fucking case in your previous post.
Messenger said:
So is that all you have to add? I guess this is the post where I ask you how you can come to the conclusion that Kerry admitting defeat when the scandal was just starting to come apart at the seems, and then you post why you think it absolves Bush, instead of you simply stating your fucking case in your previous post.

What are you whining about?

you think some no name blob means shit? sober up dude.
Messenger said:
This really has a lot to do with the fraud. Really.

Then everyone sat around and did nothing? They just let it happen? thats the part i'm not buying.
Ogami said:
It is now beyond dispute, I want the Democrats to run on this for 2006.

This is amazing to me, I love it. Saying Bush stole the 2000 election really helped the Democrats clean up in 2002, right? And saying Bush lied to get us into Iraq won the Democrats the 2004, too. Now the Democrats, the greatest political geniuses ever seen in the history of civilization, are going to run on both of those "platforms" for the 2006 election!!!! :P

Leave it to the Democrats to seize defeat from the jaws of victory, like they always do.


I wouldn't be surprised at all. The Republicans hand Democrats a record of graft, bribery, & corruption charges, lies, ineffectiveness etc, and this is the best they can come up with to run on.

I want this Administration brought down and this is the mentality of the opposition. :(
There is a point at which, Messenger, you should realize you are grasping at too many straws and conspiracies, and seek professional help. There is no way that ALL of these theories you dig up can be true at the same time. Nobody's got that sort of manpower at their disposal. ANYHOW, Bush has crippled the Republican Party whether he realizes or not, and if the democrats aren't complete idiots, they should be able to hold the White House for at least the next sixteen years. They need to ease up on the congressional stuff though, because that's where MOST of their own dirty laundry lays. Don't make too much noise in a place it can backfire, instead focus on the Big house and quietly work on congress. If they do, they can have all three in eight years EASILY.

Just my opinion though.
SSgt_Sniper said:
There is a point at which, Messenger, you should realize you are grasping at too many straws and conspiracies, and seek professional help.
Yeah... because political intrigue and corruption are the same as little green men.

There is no way that ALL of these theories you dig up can be true at the same time.
Sure they can. Have you ever seen me ramble about the Illuminati or Skull and Bones?

Nobody's got that sort of manpower at their disposal.
It isn't needed.
To have every single conspiracy I've seen you spout off about be true at the same time would take more manpower than the current troop count of the USMC. One or two fo them I think MIGHT be possible, but damn man give me a break. You cannot really think these are ALL true? Anyway, see my previous commentary on political makeup of the next few years. Then realize that the more the Dems try to scream "we was robbed" which I don't believe to be true being that all the way back to spring 2001 they were still recounting Florida and Bush was STILL winning every recount. Fifteen different newspapers tried to prove it, all of them recounted the state, all of them quietly shut up when their own recounts showed he won. Putting that into perspective, if they keep screaming 'we was robbed' it will continue to make them look shallow and like sore losers, and they will take hits from the independant middle (that's me btw) and more of the middle will stay with the Republicans, who've they've supported for the last two elections. The middle decides the country. They decided on Reagan, on the first Bush, on Clinton, this bush, and I think they'll decide the next one. Dems, listen up. Stop sounding spoilsport, and start hitting serious issues. Ignore the fringe of your party, don't let them drag you into a corner that no one will support. Do so and you cannot lose atm. IMHO.
SSgt_Sniper said:
To have every single conspiracy I've seen you spout off about be true at the same time would take more manpower than the current troop count of the USMC.
I don't agree. Care to elaborate?

One or two fo them I think MIGHT be possible, but damn man give me a break. You cannot really think these are ALL true?
I sure do.

Stop sounding spoilsport, and start hitting serious issues. Ignore the fringe of your party, don't let them drag you into a corner that no one will support. Do so and you cannot lose atm. IMHO.
Is this @ me

I'm automatically a democrat because I think Bush comitted fraud on an incredible scale?
Well, in Messenger's defense, it is ALL possible; just not probable.

But, it is unwise not to consider the possibility that it could happen, at some point in time. We'd be fools to think that our politicians are *cough cough* honest. It's the nature of power, and people will go to any lengths to hold on to it. Even *gasp* fix an election.

Mind you I'm not saying it did happen, there's not enough evidence that I can see that it did, but I am saying it CAN happen. Easily.

There were rumors [and charges] that the 1960 election was stolen from Nixon by only concentrating in one key area. [Chicago I believe] Dead people registered to vote and actually voting. Hummm

You only have to influence key areas to sway an election. Those areas can be predicted with a degree of accuracy.

What is troubling, in the article anyway, is the error in the exit polls. I know a great many people don't believe in polling, but it is surprisingly accurate to use as a barometer within the specified margin for error. It's because people don't understand polling that no one took the discrepancies seriously in 04. That, and no one wanted to go through another legal process like in 2000. It left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

If there was election fraud, it was smart to let it go for the sake of the nation, just as Nixon did in 1960. It would be smart to let it go in 06. It's a mistake to bring it into the election. It makes Dem's look like nut case conspiracy theorists. They need to look competent and able to take charge and lead us out of this mess..
No, that was a blanket statement to any and all Democrats in this board that might be thinking of getting active. Which is good, people should be more active in the process. But like Cait said, sound smart, not spolied. If anyone other than Hillary Clinton runs in 08, I'm going to be seriously looking at them. Why? Because short of Powell, Rice, or Mc Cain, I don't see a Rebuplican I can vote for, unless it's to vote against Clinton.

And I'm not going into depth with you about conspiracy BS, because I don't A.) have the time, or B.) have the want to bash my head into a wall since like most, I seriously doubt I can change your opinion in the least.