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Super Duper Tuesday is Upon Us

I am sick of the moral majority bullshit of the Republicans, but border security is a big deal and I hope whoever is elected next actually does something about our borders and the illegal immigrant problem.
^^And you live in Florida!! Not that the border isn't becoming a wide open gate for every state in the union but imagine how those of us on the border feel. I've had an issue with Bush's work pass bullshit from day one and it's 100% totally unacceptable.

The school district re-drew their lines this year and dumped 120 non-English speaking wetbacks into the school qualifying it for "No Child Left Behind" and that just pisses me off. Every one of those non-English speakers may have very well been born in this country so there isn't a reason in the world why they can't speak the language when the idea is to acclimate not simply suck off the government teat.

Geez now I'm all riled up...

Anyhoo, Eggsy, I didn't say I'd every vote for Bush again, I've been unhappy with his shit for a while. But I have to say all and all me and mine are better off plus I'm getting another $600.00 of my hard earned money back and that is AWESOME! My family and I have done well under Bush and I just don't happen to believe he was the worst president in history. And to be fair, I don't think Clinton was the worst president in history either he's just white trash and never should have been president in the first place but when you're busing trash to the polls what do you expect?
I'm in a service industry, and my main clients are Fortune 100 companies.

I prospered during Clinton's terms. My salary doubled and the perks were awesome. During Daddy Bush's term prior to that, I was laid off. During Little W's first term, my company slowly tightened its belt until we all were choking. During his second term, I was laid off. Twice. I actually have debts now, something I was able to avoid in the past.

Bushes have always been bad luck for me. The really know how to ruin an economy, be it national or personal. This is why I prefer non-dynastic "white trash" in office. They're generally not as tempted to let the peasants eat cake.
Six of one, half dozen of the other then.

I'm dreading this election although the leading Dems are making asses of themselves and who knows now what might happen. Don't mistake me, I don't see a Republican winning the White House but it'd be nice to find a true moderate who, like Mentalist pointed out, actually seems to believe in the truth, i.e. McCain.

I wish we could all do well under one side or the other but it just doesn't work that way which blows. I get tired of everyone bitching about how tired they are of the two parties but never doing anything about it, that's exactly why I might sit this one out. I'm patriotic but I'm just tired of the rhetoric.
They're all about the same these days. I'll just about except anyone who isn't a religious fanatic. We don't need another president getting messages from God. I've always been a Republican but I was never a fan of George W. he has never inspired confidence and I don't understand how he was reelected.

And Florida is a border state, Cuba is only 90 miles away. All a Cuban has to do is set foot on land and they're allowed to stay. Plus Florida has a big agriculture industry and anywhere you've got crops you've got illegals. Every winter the illegals pour into the state to pick oranges.
Cruising along nicely? We have lost our leadership status in the world community on several levels. The dollar isn't worth the paper it's printed on outside our borders. And this Republican president has done the reverse of everything his party bleats about: government is bigger, more bloated and more up citizens' asses than ever before.

But everything will be OK once we convert some more misinterpreted Bible tenets into law. Because gays and fetus-chucking women are a bigger problem than the economy, foreign relations or healthcare. That's the impression the last two terms have left on the world, other than "we hate terror and we love oil". Please.

So sad, so true.


What's coming in the economy is going to resemble the Great Depression more then the hiccup recessions we've seen.

Sadly, Clinton is just as responsible as Bush.
They're all about the same these days. I'll just about except anyone who isn't a religious fanatic. We don't need another president getting messages from God. I've always been a Republican but I was never a fan of George W. he has never inspired confidence and I don't understand how he was reelected.

And Florida is a border state, Cuba is only 90 miles away. All a Cuban has to do is set foot on land and they're allowed to stay. Plus Florida has a big agriculture industry and anywhere you've got crops you've got illegals. Every winter the illegals pour into the state to pick oranges.

I'm in NOVA. You may have heard of us, Prince William County. We passed a resolution denying services to illegals.

Funny, between that and the real estate/construction bubble bursting they ran from here like rats leaving the Titanic.