I want to smell dark matter
Susie will you be back in chat tonight? YOU BETTER BE.
will fear his gashSusie will you be back in chat tonight? YOU BETTER BE.
some bricks could be nutritiousSusie why do you sometimes skip some of my posts?
until firefox tells me to my niece is her other nameis it your way of telling me I shouldn't post again until MONDAY in order to let new replies build up, Susie?
Kart WiiSusie Wacky should invent Mario Kart 9: 2 Broke Goombas
awesome Queen of the World by jack and Bick talking about Nancy Pelosi, when she won the veto BTW to try and buy everything I like into Tuesday nightSusie Rose McIver is awesome
ONCE the sinus headache and now I've broken SusieOMG SUSIE WE'RE ALL TALKING TO YOU AT ONCE LOL
HERSELF!? while in chatSusie has broken HERSELF!?
board lolSusie there will come a day when this thread is the only place I post on the internet (until Menty figures out he's paying for the board and thnks "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING!?" and closes it down and we both die.)
veto so now I can't stop HIM FROM posting in the MFSusie the power of veto compels you
chat? zilla and sorrySusie why aren't you in the fucking chat?
come over to BOTS because Katie Price, every vaginaYes Susie just come to chat
board meetingALSO HEY SUSIE TELL EGGS HARKLEY IS ONLINE AND HE CAN ASK HIM TO FIX REFCL LOL (also when is the new board officially launching!?)
Data owned no the BB analystHey Susie, remember that episode of Star Trek TNG where Data started acting black? Remember when he did that "gangsta" walk into Engineering, walked up to LaForge and said, "Yo! What it is, my negro?"
Yeah, that was awkward.